Installation instructions for your new FFC Lower Control Arms w/o factory ABS ABS INSTALLATION Please read and follow the instructions to ensure proper fitment of the lower control arms. Tools required: 17mm box wrenchSmall flat blade screwdriver 10, 14 and 17mm socket (deep and shallow)Pillars RatchetHammer Ratchet extensionsPry bar or large screwdriver Liquid penetrator of some sort (ie: PB Blaster, WD40, etc…) IF YOU ARE UNSURE IF YOUR CAR HAS ABS, PLEASE LOOK AT THAT PICTURE BELOW. IF YOUR CONTROL ARMS HAVE THE SAME BRACKETS ON THEM, THEN YOU HAVE ABS. IF YOUR ARMS DO NOT HAVE THE BRACKETS, PLEASE STOP THE INSTALLATION NOW AND VIEW THE NON-ABS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THEY CAN BE FOUND AT
FFC Disclaimer All pictures are for reference only. If you have any questions regarding the install of your new FFC lower control arms, you can the FFC Staff or have the lower control arms install professionally by a qualified mechanic.
Step 1: Park Vehicle on a level surface Step 2: Loosen the lugs on the rear wheels Step 3: Raise the rear of the vehicle and support with jack stands Step 4: Remove the wheels Step 5: Loosen the DRIVERS rear lower knuckle nut and bolt (do not remove the bolt at this time) (see photo 1)
Step 6:Loosen 17mm bolt located in the rear sub frame (see photo 2) Step 7: Now remove the 2 10mm bolts that are holding the factory ABS bracket Step 8: Start by removing the inner tabs that hold the ABS line in the bracket. BECAREFUL WHEN YOU PREY THE TAB NOT TO DAMAGE THE ABS LINE Step 9: Next locate the outer tabs and open those tabs to allow for the ABS line to be removed from the bracket
Step 10: Now remove factory ABS bracket and continue to remove the factory lower control arm. Step 11: Remove the two bolts that were loosened earlier. Step 12: Once both bolts are removed, got ahead and remove the factory lower control arms Step 13: If you have a factory sway bar installed follow the following steps. If you have an aftermarket sway bar installed skip to step 22 Step 14: Locate the factory sway bar bracket with the bushing installed located near the sub frame Step 15: Loosen all 3 bolts and remove the bolt that is located closed to the sub frame Step 16: Remove the bolt and install L bracket with the larger hole Step 17: Reinstall factory bolt and L bracket and tighten all 3 bolts to factory tq settings Remove
Step 18:Locate ebrake plastic cover and the 10mm bolt Step 19: Remove bolt and install L bracket Step 20: Reinstall bolt and tighten to factory tq settings Step 21: Use the supplied zip ties and zip tie the ABS line to the L brackets that were just installed (We recommend that you zip tie around the rubber boots that were at each end of the ABS line. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH SLACK IN THE ABS LINE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER SUSPENSION TRAVEL WITHOUT BINDING THE LINE) (CONTINUE ON TO STEP 28) Step 22: Locate where the factory sway brackets would have been located (look for the 3 holes located near the sub frame) Step 23: Find the supplied L bracket and 14mm bolt (refer to step 16 for the exact location) Step 24: Install the bolt into the rear bolt hole located closet to the rear sub frame with the L bracket Step 25: Next locate the ebrake plastic cover and the 10mm bolt (picture on the left above) Step 26: Remove the bolt and reinstall with the supplied L bracket Step 27: Use the supplied zip ties and zip tie the ABS line to the L bracket that were just installed (We recommend that you zip tie around the rubber boots that were at each end of the ABS bracket. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH SLACK IN THE ABS LINE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER SUSPENSION TRAVEL WITHOUT BINDING THE LINE) (Picture on the right above)
Step 28: You are now ready to install your FFC lower control arm on the drivers side. Step 29: Install the longer side onto the knuckle bolt that was removed earlier Step 30: Loosely install the nut onto the bolt Step 31: Now swing the shorter part of the lower control arm up into place in the rear sub frame and align the bolt (don’t forget to install your rear tie bar if you have one) Step 32: You may need to use a pry bar or screwdriver to help line up the holes Step 33: Once you have the bolt started go ahead and tighten bolt bolts to factory Honda specs
Step 34: Installation of the PASSENGER side lower control arm begins the same as the driver’s side. After you have loosened both bolts and removed and relocated the ABS line you will need to follow from step 35 on. Step 35: You will need to remove 3 exhaust hangers and lower the rear section of the exhaust. Step 36: Support exhaust with jack stand or jack
Step 37: Complete the lower control arm on the PASSENGER side. Step 38: Reinstall exhaust hangers that were removed in step 35. (*you may need to jack up the rear trailing arm to have clearance between your new FFC lower control and your exhaust system. During full suspension droop, the lower control arm may rest on your exhaust system. This normal and will not effect suspension travel when the car is on the ground.) Step 20: Double check that everything is torque to factory specs Step 21: Reinstall your wheel and torque to manufacture specs Step 22: Double check all bolts after 500 miles of driving. Step 23: Enjoy your new FFC Lower Control Arms
"Department of Transportation's Law All modifications, except those that are exempt, have been designed and are intended for off-road use only. These components are legal in California for racing vehicles only, which may never be used in City streets or Public highways. Federal and many state laws prohibit the removal, modification, or rendering inoperable of any device or element of design affecting vehicle emission or safety in a vehicle used on public highways. Violation of such laws may subject the owner or user to a fine or penalty. Installation of this part may void the warranty coverage, if any, on your vehicle. User/Buyer assumes all costs and risks associated with any aftermarket parts. It is the User/Buyer's responsibility to know their local City and State Laws. No liability or warranties, express or implied are granted. Installation guide is only a guide, professional installation of all products is recommended. FatFour Customs (FFC) will not be held liable for any damages done to the vehicle or other property or persons. No refunds or exchanges unless from manufacturing defect.