Relativpronomen …are used to expand the meaning of sentences. …are used in relative clauses. …are gender, number and case sensitive.
Grammatik Gender and number are determined by the noun being described. Case is determined by the part the relative pronoun plays in the dependent clause. Verbs are always placed at the end of the dependent clause.
die Relativpronomen MasculineFeminineNeuterPlural Nominativederdiedasdie Accusativedendiedasdie Dativedemderdemdenen Genitivedessenderendessenderen
zum Beispiel… The city, in which the Schildburgers live, burned during the night. The cat, for which the citizens begged, ate the mice. The people, whose city burned, emigrated everywhere.
The mousedog, which the mayor bought, was really a cat. The people, who were really dumb, were called the Schildburgers.