Powered by Online Weekly Circular Ad Survey 10/29/14 Monday, November 24, 2014
Date Created: Wednesday, October 29, Total Responses Complete Responses: 489
Q1: How important are weekly circulars in determining where you will shop that week? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q1: How important are weekly circulars in determining where you will shop that week? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q1: How important are weekly circulars in determining where you will shop that week? (select one) Answered: 116 Skipped: 0
Q2: How important are weekly circulars in determining what you will purchase while shopping? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q2: How important are weekly circulars in determining what you will purchase while shopping? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q3: How would you rate the value you receive from ShopRite’s weekly circulars? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q3: How would you rate the value you receive from ShopRite’s weekly circulars? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q4: How often do you consult ShopRite’s weekly circular to plan your shopping trip? (select one) Answered: 487 Skipped: 3
Q4: How often do you consult ShopRite’s weekly circular to plan your shopping trip? (select one) Answered: 487 Skipped: 3
Q5: How often do you use online coupons when shopping at ShopRite? (select one) Answered: 487 Skipped: 3
Q5: How often do you use online coupons when shopping at ShopRite? (select one) Answered: 487 Skipped: 3
Q6: How often do you view ShopRite’s online weekly circular? Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q6: How often do you view ShopRite’s online weekly circular? Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q6: How often do you view ShopRite’s online weekly circular? Answered: 116 Skipped: 0
Q7: How easy is it to view ShopRite’s online weekly circular? Answered: 410 Skipped: 80
Q7: How easy is it to view ShopRite’s online weekly circular? Answered: 410 Skipped: 80
Q9: Are you a member of ShopRite’s Price Plus Club program? (select one) Answered: 487 Skipped: 3
Q9: Are you a member of ShopRite’s Price Plus Club program? (select one) Answered: 487 Skipped: 3
Q10: How would you rate the value you receive from ShopRite’s Price Plus Club program? (select one) Answered: 478 Skipped: 12
Q10: How would you rate the value you receive from ShopRite’s Price Plus Club program? (select one) Answered: 478 Skipped: 12
Q11: How would you rate the degree to which special offers from the Price Plus Club program are relevant to you and your family? (select one) Answered: 476 Skipped: 14
Q11: How would you rate the degree to which special offers from the Price Plus Club program are relevant to you and your family? (select one) Answered: 476 Skipped: 14
Q12: How important is it to receive special offers from a retailer’s loyalty card program that are tailored to your needs? (select one) Answered: 475 Skipped: 15
Q12: How important is it to receive special offers from a retailer’s loyalty card program that are tailored to your needs? (select one) Answered: 475 Skipped: 15
Q13: What are the best ways for ShopRite to communicate with you about special offers, new products, etc.? (check up to three) Answered: 488 Skipped: 2
Q13: What are the best ways for ShopRite to communicate with you about special offers, new products, etc.? (check up to three) Answered: 488 Skipped: 2
Q13: What are the best ways for ShopRite to communicate with you about special offers, new products, etc.? (check up to three) Answered: 115 Skipped: 1
Q14: How much time per week do you spend on the Internet outside of work? (select one) Answered: 488 Skipped: 2
Q14: How much time per week do you spend on the Internet outside of work? (select one) Answered: 488 Skipped: 2
Q15: How often do you go on the Internet to plan a grocery shopping trip? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q15: How often do you go on the Internet to plan a grocery shopping trip? (select one) Answered: 489 Skipped: 1
Q16: Which of the following social media sites/vehicles do you use at least once per week? (select all that apply) Answered: 399 Skipped: 91
Q16: Which of the following social media sites/vehicles do you use at least once per week? (select all that apply) Answered: 399 Skipped: 91
Q17: Do you own a smartphone? (select one) Answered: 486 Skipped: 4
Q17: Do you own a smartphone? (select one) Answered: 486 Skipped: 4
Q17: Do you own a smartphone? (select one) Answered: 115 Skipped: 1
Q18: How often do you use your smartphone to help you shop for groceries? (select one) Answered: 358 Skipped: 132
Q18: How often do you use your smartphone to help you shop for groceries? (select one) Answered: 358 Skipped: 132
Q18: How often do you use your smartphone to help you shop for groceries? (select one) Answered: 98 Skipped: 18
Q19: To what degree do you look for special offers from third- party discount or coupon sites such as Ibotta, coupons.com, etc.? (select one) Answered: 488 Skipped: 2
Q19: To what degree do you look for special offers from third- party discount or coupon sites such as Ibotta, coupons.com, etc.? (select one) Answered: 488 Skipped: 2
Q20: To what degree do you look for and use manufacturer FSI coupons (free-standing inserts) like those typically found in the Sunday newspaper? (select one) Answered: 490 Skipped: 0
Q20: To what degree do you look for and use manufacturer FSI coupons (free-standing inserts) like those typically found in the Sunday newspaper? (select one) Answered: 490 Skipped: 0
Q22: What is the primary influence over which grocery store you shop at in a given week? Answered: 478 Skipped: 12
Q22: What is the primary influence over which grocery store you shop at in a given week? Answered: 478 Skipped: 12
Q22: What is the primary influence over which grocery store you shop at in a given week? Answered: 114 Skipped: 2
Q23: Do store's weekly circulars affect where you shop? Answered: 486 Skipped: 4
Q23: Do store's weekly circulars affect where you shop? Answered: 486 Skipped: 4
Q23: Do store's weekly circulars affect where you shop? Answered: 116 Skipped: 0
Q25: In what age group are you a member? (select one) Answered: 490 Skipped: 0
Q25: In what age group are you a member? (select one) Answered: 490 Skipped: 0
Q27: Which range best describes your total household income? Answered: 478 Skipped: 12
Q27: Which range best describes your total household income? Answered: 478 Skipped: 12
Q28: What is your highest level of education completed? Answered: 479 Skipped: 11
Q28: What is your highest level of education completed? Answered: 479 Skipped: 11
Q29: What is your gender? Answered: 476 Skipped: 14
Q29: What is your gender? Answered: 476 Skipped: 14
Q30: Would you best describe yourself as? Answered: 457 Skipped: 33
Q30: Would you best describe yourself as? Answered: 457 Skipped: 33