One page GIS Asset Maturity Assessment and other Topics Bert Granberg State of Utah NGAC Meeting, April 1-2, 2014
One page GIS Asset Maturity Assessment Establish a Status Baseline Set Dataset-specific Goals Assess Enterprise Value Driver: support uPEL preliminary environmental screening web app Participants: UDOT, DEQ, DNR, State Trust Lands, DAF, State Historic Preservation Office, Energy Office, AGRC
Establish Baseline Set Dataset- Specific Goal
Establish Baseline Set Dataset- Specific Gola
Assess Enterprise Value
Other Topics NGA 133 Cities High Res imagery program in jeopardy? Unlocking the potential of APIs…Geocoding & Spatial Query – Ultimate goal is to Use data not to build/maintain/store it Incorporating local survey monuments as control for PLSS T,R & S geometry (BLM) Commercial Imagery as a Service Increasing importance of local to state to national model…roads, addresses, boundaries, parcels… – NSGIC workshops at Feb conference – EPA has a good model for this called ‘Primacy’ (specs, funding, accountability) A Trade?
Parting Topic: Importance of Visual Media