Garboldisham Parish Charities One of the oldest continuous charities in the Country Mary Feakes – April 2012
Garboldisham Parish Charities started in 1490 with a bequest from Thomas Bole of 40 acres to the inhabitants of Garboldisham Later bequests of land have been Richard Lovick (1623) Henry Brampton (1628) Henry Russell (1641) for the Relief of the Poor and upkeep on the Parish Church, Dorothy Gawdy, Mr Canham Mary Williamson (1696) £ for apprenticing poor children and to clothe the poor and a town house for three poor families.
Up until the 1940’s the Trustees owned the three cottages (now two, Pear Tree Cottage and Comptons on The Street, currently being repaired following the fire ) These cottages were rented out to three tenants. They were sold when the upkeep of them (new thatch etc.) meant that they were not cost effective.
This is where the name for Thomas Bole Close comes from. We know that the Bole family were prominent in the village around 1500, the screen which stands in front of the organ in St John’s came originally from All Saints Church, and Bloomfield’s History of Norfolk tells us that a plaque above it stated “1504 Pray for the welfare of William Bole and Kathryn his wife”
Why did these people leave money for the poor? Usually it was a way of ensuring that their souls were taken into Heaven after their death. A sort of ‘insurance policy’ for the afterlife.
From its inception in 1490 the charities were administered by the Churchwardens. In 1869, following an Act of Parliament these were taken from the Churchwardens and invested in Trustees, with regulations as to the objects of the Charities laid down. Garboldisham’s scheme was finalised in 1879
Also in 1842, a Commission, from the Enclosure Act of Parliament allotted four acres of Broomscott Common “as a place of exercise and recreation for the population of the said parish” and twenty acres of fen “for the purpose of supplying the poor of said parish with fuel”
The Recreation Allotment was passed to the trusteeship of the Parish Council and remains, under the Parish Council and Custodial Trustees of Garboldisham Recreation Ground Charity, and a Management Committee, as our Recreation Ground
The general terms of the Charities remained as set up in 1879 until 1976, when the then Trustees decided to ask the Charities Commission to upgrade the terms of the Charity, to become more relevant to the modern age. This took 6 years, but was signed on June 11 th 1982.
How are the Charities run? There are a total of Seven Trustees, the Incumbent is Ex-Officio, three appointed by the Parish Council (Nominative) and three co-opted by the other Trustees Parish Council representatives serve for 4 years, and Co-Opted for 5 years.
The current Trustees are Rev. John Bull ex-officio Mr T Lambert – Nominative Mr P Girling – Nominative Mr D Atkins – Nominative Rev. Derrick Sheppard – Co-Opt Mrs Belinda Sears –Co-Opt Mr D Hance – Co-Opt
Currently The Rev. Derrick Sheppard Chairman Mr Philip Girling Treasurer Mrs Mary Feakes Clerk
According to the terms of the Scheme, monies from the clear income each year is split into four. ¼ to the apprenticing and further education of poor children ¼ for the repair of the Church ½ for the Relief in Need Fund
How is the money obtained Prudent investment by the long- time Trustee, Sandy Wedderburn meant that income was invested wisely, and has kept up with inflation. Other income is from:-
Fuel allotment Charity Income from shooting rights on Garboldisham Old Fen, and sale of reeds on the Old Fen Relief in Need Charity Funds from investments and rental income Educational Foundation Funds from investments and rental income Ecclesiastical Charity Funds from investments and rental income
The Fuel allotment: Provides the distribution of fuel money each December, currently £60.00 to 50 applicants. Income is topped up from the Relief in Need Fund The Educational Foundation: currently £1,500 available for young people the unused portion split between groups which benefit youth. The Ecclesiastical Charity: currently £1,500 given to the Church for the Fabric Fund. The Relief in Need Fund: currently £3,000 added to the fund – some of which was used to top up the Fuel Allotment.
Land Currently Rented Out Broomscott Common – Rented on a lease of 22 years – (22 years’ rental paid up front) 6 Parcels of arable land – Rented out to local farmers Garboldisham Old Fen – Rented out on a five year lease for shooting rights. Previously reeds had been sold, but no buyer has been forthcoming lately.
The Trustees meet on three occasions per year, unless there is need for an Extra-Ordinary meeting. Details of financial assistance, such as the Educational Foundation and the Fuel Allotment are published in the local Newsletter