Five Lessons on the Lord’s Church Unity of the Church Template backgrounds from indezine Five Lessons on the Lord’s Church
Jn. 17:20-23 Jesus’ desire, prayer result: world know. . . . Jesus Prayed for Unity Jn. 17:20-23 Jesus’ desire, prayer result: world know. . . . Jn. 17:17 unity based on truth – word Christians living by God’s word are unified Template backgrounds from indezine
1 Cor.: Don’t Compromise Unity 1 Cor. 1:10-13 not wear human names 1 Cor. 1:10 unity, speak same thing 1 Cor. 3:3-4 division, carnality 1 Cor. 14:26 result of unity, assembly for better, edifying 1 Cor. 11:17-19 must be division when brethren not repent Template backgrounds from indezine
Eph.: One Body – Must Be Member Eph. 4:3 preserve unity of Spirit Eph. 4:4-6 unity of the Spirit vs. 4 one body – church vs. 4 one Spirit vs. 4 one hope vs. 5 one Lord vs. 5 one faith Template backgrounds from indezine vs. 5 one baptism vs. 6 one Father, God
Eph.: One Body – Must Be Member Eph. 4:3 preserve unity of Spirit Eph. 4:4-6 unity of the Spirit vs. 4 one body vs. 4 one Spirit vs. 4 one hope vs. 5 one Lord vs. 5 one faith Photo from StockXchange vs. 5 one baptism vs. 6 one Father, God
Eph.: One Body – Must Be Member Eph. 4:3 preserve unity of Spirit Eph. 4:4-6 unity of the Spirit vs. 4 one body vs. 4 one Spirit vs. 4 one hope vs. 5 one Lord vs. 5 one faith Photo from StockXchange vs. 5 one baptism vs. 6 one Father, God
Phil.: Principles of Unity Phil. 2:1 appeal for unity encouragement in Christ consolation of love fellowship of the Spirit affection and compassion Template backgrounds from indezine
Phil.: Principles of Unity Phil. 2:1 appeal for unity Phil. 2:2-3 characteristics vs. 2 same mind (like-minded) vs. 2 same love vs. 2 united in spirit vs. 2 intent on one purpose vs. 3 not selfish Template backgrounds from indezine vs. 3 not conceited vs. 3-4 humility of mind, regarding other Christians as more important
Five Lessons on the Lord’s Church Unity of the Church Template backgrounds from indezine Five Lessons on the Lord’s Church