on the top? Dávid Németh chief economist 27 November 2014
growth outlook 2
development of investments
stagnation of investment in 2015
annual growth rate of lending to non-financial corporates
how consumption may develop?
contribution to GDP growth (demand side) Forrás: KSH, K&H
inflation 8
infláció a fejlett gazdaságokban
10 inflációs várakozások a régióban
inflationary development Forrás: KSH, MNB, K&H market priced goods and services vs. CPI alcohol, tobacco vs. CPIregulated prices vs. CPI
capital markets
base rate in the developed countries (%)
decreasing rate environment in the region (%) Forrás: NBH. K&H, Bloomberg
the tables have turned Balance sheet of major central banks (in own currency)
market environment development of IRS (%) Forrás: K&H, Bloomberg
does develuation continue? Forrás: NBH. K&H, Bloomberg
stability 18
changes in savings of sectors (% of GDP)
breakdown of net external debt by sectors (% of GDP)
gross public debt (% of GDP)
duration of debt (year, average)
who is dangerous?
correlation between corporate lending and non-performing loans Forrás: NBH. K&H, Bloomberg
household foreign currency loans as a percentage of GDP in regional comparison Forrás: NBH. K&H, Bloomberg
developments in the loan-to-deposit ratio in an international comparison Forrás: NBH. K&H, Bloomberg