Familiarize yourself with the Internet Utilize site/content blocking software and/or parental controls Randomly check your child’s and Internet web histories Establish family safety rules and guidelines for Internet usage Internet Safety Tips For Parents Place the family computers in open access areas where everyone can see them If your child is the victim of an online predator -- it is not their fault Keep a written record of all logins, screen names and their passwords Invite your children to talk to you when they find something objectionable Be Aware of what your child is doing on the Internet
Internet Safety Tips For Teachers Ensure that students are aware of basic safety rules Arrange classrooms so that computer screens are easily viewable by teachers and peers When faced with a problem, react immediately, talk with your student contact your administration, and the student’s parents Invite your students to talk to you when they find something objectionable Search together for safe and useful web-sites Do not allow unauthorized web, or chat usage Teach your students how to use the Internet in a responsible manner Teach your students to use the Internet’s many resources
Internet Safety Tips For Children (Ages 4-10) A. Never reveal personal details or information B. Ask a parent’s permission before talking to any new on-line friends C. Leave chat rooms or web sites if they make you feel strange or bad in any way D. Don’t give out your password to anyone but your parents E. Never meet or call someone you met on-line without a parent’s permission F. Tell your parents or teachers immediately about any unpleasant experiences you or your friends have on the Internet G. Never open any messages or visit web sites sent to you from unknown people
Internet Safety Tips For Teens (Ages 11-18) Don’t ever reveal personal details to anyone online Don’t even fill out on-line registration forms These sites could be bogus, you might be giving away information to the wrong people Never open messages or visit web sites sent to you from unknown people Many of the cute/funny games contain viruses or programs that let people invade your computer Don’t use easy passwords such as your favorite teams, bands or pets Easy passwords about things you like allow people to guess your password Don’t fill out online profiles or post pictures to strange web sites Predators use profiles and picture sites to pick their victims
Warning Signs Your Child May Be in Trouble Online… ! Excessive use of the Internet, especially late at night ! Gifts, money or packages they can’t or won’t explain ! Computer or monitor is suddenly switched off, laptop lid shut, or other attempts to block the screen ! Strange long distance charges, phone calls from strangers, or lots of wrong numbers and hang-ups ! Your child is using an on-line account belonging to someone else ! Your child begins deleting s and internet history after use ! Buddies or addresses that your child won’t or can't easily identify who they all are in real life