ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 1 Participating institutions: Institute of Physics, Academy of.


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Presentation transcript:

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 1 Participating institutions: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences (AS) Charles University: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (CUNI) Czech Technical University: -Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) -Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP)

Group experience and activities (1) ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 2  FE chip design: Experience, current activities: -design of blocks for ATLAS FEI4 (M.H. during his stay at Bonn Uni) -active work in RD53 / responsibility for the design of specific blocks Contribution to ITk: participation on the R&D of the FE chip (AS, FNSPE)  Module assembly & testing Experience: -Participation in all stages of assembly and testing of the present ATLAS Pixel Detector (AS, FNSPE) -Testing and responsibility for QA of modules for wheels of the present ATLAS SCT (CUNI) Contribution to ITk: -Testing and QA of strip modules (CUNI, IEAP) -We are investigating the possibility of modules assembly (wire bonding, gluing, etc.) at CZ industrial companies. We started already basic evaluation of the technological steps (AS, CUNI, FNSPE)

Group experience and activities (2) ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 3  Sensor testing & evaluation: Experience: -Participation in design and testing of sensors of the present ATLAS Pixel Detector (AS, FNSPE) -Testing of sensor modules for wheels of the present ATLAS SCT (AS, as a member of the Geneva cluster ) Contribution to ITk: participation in sensor testing & evaluation, both strips and pixels (AS, FNSPE)  Radiation hardness tests  Experience: -Participation in rad hard testing of different components of the present ATLAS Pixel Detector (AS, FNSPE) -Participation in the activities of RD50 (AS, CUNI, FNSPE, IEAP) Contribution to ITk: -Irradiation and evaluation of sensors and FE chips (AS, CUNI, FNSPE) -Beside of standard Collaboration irradiation facilities, we can also use a powerful Co60 source and nuclear reactor, both close to Prague

Available equipment (1) ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 4  FE chip design: All necessary design and simulation tools …. Mirku, tady to dopln pouzivane prostredky  Module assembly & testing: Laser test set-up, atd. … doplnit - Zdenek

Available equipment (2) ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 5  Sensor testing & evaluation: Manual and (semi) automatic probe station PA200 and corresponding instrumentation (Keithley 237, LCR meters, etc.)

Manpower and other resources ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 6  Manpower: Designers: ~0.7 FTE R&D (sensors, module assembly), irradiation: physicists + engineers ~ 1 FTE + students Testing: physicists + engineers, at peak activity up to ~ 3.0 FTE + students  Funding: -CZ ATLAS grant which covers our activities, including ITk project. Recently we submitted application for the period with the explicit request for funding of the ATLAS upgrade. -It will cover our R&D activities, submissions of FE chip blocks in which design we will participate, etc.

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 7 Thank you for your attention

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 8 Probe station PA200

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 9 Probe station PA200

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 10 Thank you for your attention

Pracoviště pro měření pixelových detektorů ve FZU ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 11

Assembly of Pixel Detector CERN ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 12

Insertion of Pixel Detector into ATLAS - nepřehlédnutelná česká stopa ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek order from Amazon

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 14 Completed Pixel disk with 2.2 M channels Completed barrel LNBL Berkeley, Genova&Marseille Kompletace detekčních lišt

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 15 Inner Detector services (cables and pipes) installation in the inner bore of the barrel cryostat (huge work completed after many months) Petr Šícho - koordinátor instalace servisních zařízení Pixelového detektoru

ITk Kick-off meeting, 4th November 2014Vaclav Vrba / Zdenek Dolezal / Miroslav Havranek 16 Pixelový modul ATLAS