The modal verb CAN expresses physical or mental ability e.g. She can speak English. He can study well.


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Presentation transcript:

The modal verb CAN expresses physical or mental ability e.g. She can speak English. He can study well.

CAN  Is used in the present tense.  It has the form of the past tense – COULD.  It is not used in the future tense. Its equivalent – WILL BE ABLE TO – is used.

Ask your fellow-student if he/she can… 1. … feel pulse and respiration. 2. … examine tissues under the microscope. 3. … carry on experiments on animals. 4. … recognize different diseases. 5. …make laboratory analyses. 6. … put dressings. 7. …carry out scientific experiments. 8. … take temperature.

Tell the group what you couldn’t do some time ago and can do now. Example: I couldn’t play the guitar but now I can play well. 1. … write Latin. 2. … put dressings. 3. … make injections. 4. … measure blood pressure. 5. … feel pulse and respiration. 6. … carry out laboratory experiments.

Say the following in the Future Indefinite Tense: e.g. I can see you … (when you return) I will be able to see you when you I will be able to see you when you return. return. 1. You can study medical sciences … (if you enter the Medical Academy). 2. Ann can make injections … (when she has had more practice). 3. They can work at a hospital … (when they graduate from the Medical Academy). 4. She can play the violin … (when her arm is better). 5. The doctor can examine the baby … (if his mother calls him). 6. I can pass the State examinations … (after I do the six-year curriculum). 7. The students can’t pass the credit test in Anatomy … (until they learn it).

Respond to these statements according to the example: e.g.: They won’t be able to come to see us tomorrow. tomorrow. And when will they be able to come? And when will they be able to come? 1. They won’t be able to operate on patients in the third year. 2. I won’t be able to make an appointment with a doctor on Monday. 3. First-year students won’t be able to work at the hospital. 4. The therapeutist won’t be able to examine the patient. 5. The doctor won’t be able to discharge the patient tomorrow. 6. I won’t be able to go to the library today. 7. She won’t be able to enter the Medical Academy this year.

Complete the sentences with can, will be able to in the correct tense form: 1. I … get my degree next year. 2. She … visit us yesterday, because she was busy. 3. I … finish this work today. I’m tired. 4. Our classes are over early on Tuesday, that’s why we … get ready for Anatomy lesson. 5. I’m afraid I … translate this article tonight. 6. I think you … operate on patients when you graduate from the Medical Academy. 7. She … to make injections after a bit of practice. 8. My sister … talk when she was 15 months old. 9. In six years we … to become qualified doctors.

Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Студенты нашей группы говорят, что смогут принять участие в конференции. 2. Она не умеет делать уколы. 3. Вы знаете латинский? Сможете прочитать что мне выписал врач? 4. Мы не сможем лечить больных, пока не закончим медицинскую академию. 5. Я не смогу выписывать рецепты, пока не выучу латинский. 6. Он не смог записаться на прием к врачу. 7. Те, кто действительно интересуются медициной, могут поступить в медицинскую академию и стать врачами. 8. Мы сможем сдать экзамены успешно, если будем усердно работать. 9. Вряд ли он мог ошибиться в постановке диагноза. Он – опытный врач.

The modal verb MAY expresses permission e.g.: May I help you? possibility or supposition e.g.: It may rain today. You may get much useful information from this book.

MIGHT is the form of the past tense of the modal verb may. The equivalent WILL BE ALLOWED TO is used in the future tense instead of may.

Change the following sentences into the past and future. e.g.: You may go for a walk now. You were allowed to go for a walk yesterday. You were allowed to go for a walk yesterday. You will be allowed to go for a walk tomorrow. You will be allowed to go for a walk tomorrow. 1. The patient may go to the health-resort. 2. He may not smoke. 3. Students may go to the Anatomy museum. 4. I may keep the book till tomorrow. 5. You may take these magazines home. 6. We may prepare reports in Histology. 7. You may see the doctor. 8. The students may work at the patient’s bedside. 9. Senior students may perform operations under the guidance of experienced doctors. 10. You may take part in the Student’s Scientific Society.

Ask for permission to do something using may not and the key words. e.g.: have a cup of tea – to sleep badly – a glass of milk - May I have a cup of tea? - May I have a cup of tea? - No, you may not. You will sleep badly, I think you may have a glass of milk. It won’t do you any harm. - No, you may not. You will sleep badly, I think you may have a glass of milk. It won’t do you any harm. 1. have a cup of coffee – have a high blood pressure – a glass of tea. 2. a mutton chop – have a high cholesterol level – a beefsteak. 3. a piece of cake with tea – too big weight – a lot of fruit. 4. go for a walk – to be ill – to call in a doctor. 5. see the patient in the third ward – to be too weak – to see him in a couple of days. 6. have an ice-cream – have a sore throat – a bar of chocolate. 7. Smoke – to do harm to your health – eat an apple.

Make up short dialogues using the key words. e.g.: - May I watch TV show? - No, you may not. - No, you may not. - Why? - Why? - Because it’s too late. - Because it’s too late be present during the operation - it is very serious make an experiment - we don’t have enough 3. - buy an ice-cream - you have a sore throat listen to music - children are sleeping 5. - watch TV - it is time to go to bed 6. - go for a walk - we have much work to do 7. - get a credit test - you didn’t pass the last theme

Complete the sentences with may, might, will be allowed to. 1. He said that they … smoke here. 2. She told me that I … join the Student’s Scientific Society in Anatomy. 3. The children … go for a walk tonight. 4. The patient said that he … to go home. 5. “… I make an appointment with a doctor?” 6. He … not be present at the class yesterday because he wasn’t feeling well. 7. The nurse told me that I … stay a little longer with the patient. 8. I … have a rest after I finish my homework.

Translate the sentences into English. 1. Нам разрешат провести эксперименты в лаборатории института. 2. Студенты могут подождать в этой комнате. 3. Нам разрешили присутствовать при осмотре пациента. 4. Они не могут курить в палате. 5. Надеюсь, вам разрешат провести этот эксперимент.

The modal verb MUST is used to express necessity, obligation. e.g.: I must get up early every day. You must study hard. You must study hard. The modal verb MUST is used only in the present tense. It has the form of the past tense – HAD to. The modal verb MUST is not used in the future tense. Its equivalent WILL HAVE TO is used instead of it.

Complete the following sentences, use the modal verb must to express obligation. 1. If you want to know medical sciences, you … 2. If you are unwell, you … 3. If you want to be healthy, you … 4. If the students want to to know Anatomy, they … 5. If you want to be good at Histology, you … 6. If you want to become a good doctor, you … 7. If somebody wants to enter the Medical Academy, he …

Complete the sentences with MUST, HAVE TO in the required form, use NOT where necessary. 1. We … send for a doctor immediately. 2. I … apply to a doctor yesterday as I was unwell. 3. I … have my tooth filled. 4. I … go to a chemist’s to have a prescription made up. 5. The doctor said that he … measure my blood pressure to know what medicines to write out a prescription for. 6. I … my chest X-rayed after recovery. 7. The professor told us that we … to go to the lecture. 8. I … go to the library. I … prepare a report. 9. She says that she … keep to a diet. 10. Patients … do the wards before the morning round.

Translate the sentences into English using MUST or its equivalents. 1. Врачу не нужно было долго осматривать больного, случай был ясен. 2. Мы должны пойти в библиотеку после занятий. 3. Вы не должны курить. Вы должны больше уделять внимания своему здоровью. 4. Мы должны будем работать у постели больного. 5. Вам часто приходится ходить к врачу? 6. У него плохо со зрением и он вынужден постоянно носить очки. 7. Должно быть я простудилась. 8. Он должно быть заболел гриппом. 9. Нам нужно будет приготовить доклады к следующему занятию.

Insert the modal verbs CAN, MAY, MUST and their equivalents in the proper tense. 1. Senior students … work in clinics at patient’s bedside. 2. The doctor … measure your blood pressure while examining you. 3. If you become ill with the flu, you … stay in bed. 4. I had some free time yesterday and I … to work at my scientific report. 5. What … cause serious complications after the flu? 6. … I feel your pulse and respiration? 7. At the end of the sixth year the graduates … take examinations in different subjects. 8. You … examine blood under the microscope. 9. The graduates … specialize in different branches of medicine. 10. Any diseases … become dangerous to life if the yare not treated from the very beginning. 11. He … to see us only at five. 12. … you see the shape of blood cells under the microscope? 13. … I examine the patients of the third ward today? 14. The professor … come at any moment, wait for a minute. 15. If you have a bad headache, you … take some medicine.