UNIT 8 Conditionals (1st and 2nd) 3rd YEAR EOI. Finish these sentences I won’t stop studying English until … … I have a good command of it. I’d like to.


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Presentation transcript:

UNIT 8 Conditionals (1st and 2nd) 3rd YEAR EOI

Finish these sentences I won’t stop studying English until … … I have a good command of it. I’d like to retire when…... I am 60 years old. I’ll be really annoyed if… … I don’t pass my final exam. I’ll always live here unless… … I marry an American. I’ll have something to eat as soon as… … I get home.

1 ST CONDITIONAL (real situations) If + present simple  present simple (scientific facts or facts which don't change) E.g. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. I drink water if I'm thirsty. If + pres simple  imperative (orders with a condition) E.g. If you break it, buy another one. If + pres simple  will / won’t (future possibilities. Can / may / should are also possible) E.g. If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go to the beach. If it is sunny tomorrow, we may go to the beach.

Instead of IF we can use… UNLESS (= if … not) I won’t go unless she invites me. =I won’t go if she doesn’t invite me. AS SOON AS, WHEN, UNTIL, BEFORE, AFTER, THE MOMENT, … As soon as you get the exam results, call me. I’ll have lunch before I leave. After we finish university, we can take a year off and travel.

Complete these sentences (in positive or negative) 1.I’ll give him your message when I ____ him. (see) 2.Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you ______. (leave) 3.They _____________ until they find a place to live. (get married) 4.If I see Emma, I _____ her you are looking for her. (tell) 5.I _____ you as soon as I arrive at the hotel. (call) 6.You won’t be able to park unless you ______ there early (get). 7. As soon as it stops raining, we _____ out. (go) 8. Don’t write anything until I ____ you (tell). 9. When she finds out what he’s done, she ____ furious (be). 10. Go to bed when the film ______ (finish). see leave won’t get married ‘ll tell ‘ll call get ‘ll go tell ‘ll be finishes

2 nd CONDITIONAL (hypothetical / imaginary situations) If + past simple  would / wouldn’t + infinitive (could also possible) E.g. If I had more money, I’d buy a bigger house. If he didn’t speak English, he couldn’t get a job in a hotel. I wouldn’t do that job unless they paid me a really good salary. I / He / She / It *was  were If I were you, I’d call the police. (If I was you) If my town were bigger, we’d have more fun. was

1 ST CONDITIONAL vs 2 nd CONDITIONAL If I have time, I’ll help you. (= possible situation. I may have time.) If I had time, I’d help you. (= imaginary situation. I don’t have time.)