‘Changing environment – changing security’ - Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, Industry and the fight against cybercrime What we can do… and what we can’t Zoltán Précsényi Government affairs manager
Sample Agenda Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, About Symantec 1 The threat landscape in a nutshell 2 What we can do 3 What we can’t 4 Conclusion 5
About Symantec Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18,
Symantec’s Global Intelligence Network Identifies more threats + takes action faster + prevents impact Information Protection Preemptive Security Alerts Threat Triggered Actions Global Scope and Scale Worldwide Coverage 24x7 Event Logging Rapid Detection Threat Activity 240,000+ sensors 200+ countries Malware Intelligence 180M client, server, gateways Global coverage Vulnerabilities 35,000+ vulnerabilities 11,000 vendors 80,000+ technologies Spam/Phishing 5M decoy accounts 8B+ messages/daily 1.5B+ web requests/daily Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, 2012
5 The threat landscape in a nutshell Latest trends
Cyberthreats are steadily on the rise Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, Source: Symantec Internet Security Threat Report vol. 17, May 2012
Cybercriminals are relentless Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, Source: Norton Cybercrime Report, September 2012
Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, Fighting cybercrime: What we can do
We can educate and build awareness Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18,
Control Compliance Identity & Authentication Data Loss Prevention & Encryption In Depth Security IT Management Global Intelligence Network Integrated Protection Managed services and cloud 3 rd Party Technology Partners We can provide technology and training Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, 2012
We can assist with expertise and information Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18,
Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, Fighting cybercrime: What we can’t do
We won’t go beyond what’s legal Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18,
We won’t be liable for behaviours we don’t control Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18,
We won’t make unsubstantiated claims Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, WHO? WHERE FROM? WHY?
We won’t be law enforcement Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, WeLaw enforcement Detect security incidents Finds out whether it’s cybercrime Analyse traffic data, examine software code Investigates forensic evidence, prosecutes suspects Respond technically as and where appropriate Enforces the law, imposes sanctions
We won’t be law enforcement Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, WeLaw enforcement Detect security incidents Finds out whether it’s cybercrime Analyse traffic data, examine software code Investigates forensic evidence, prosecutes suspects Respond technically as and where appropriate Enforces the law, imposes sanctions
Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, Conclusion
Public-Private Partnership is key to fighting cybercrime Cyber-threat challenges today – Budapest, September 17-18, Powers Competence Privileged info Jurisdiction Technical capabilities Expertise Intelligence Global reach
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