Evaluate semi-structured, focus group and narrative interviews
Semi-Structured Interviews Form of interview in which the interviewer asks questions from a pre-decided list of questions. Although the researcher may obtain other info, the key goal is to obtain responses to the interview guide (original questions). Evaluate semi-structured, focus group and narrative interviews
Semi-Structured Interviews Strengths Limitations Standardization of procedure. Easy to train researchers to carry it out. Fast and can be done to many participants. Allows for elaboration. Less bias by the researcher. Rather artificial conversation. Data analysis is time consuming. Questions, if not piloted, could be hard to understand or could lead the participant to answer in a specific way. Evaluate semi-structured, focus group and narrative interviews
Focus Group Group Interview Evaluate semi-structured, focus group and narrative interviews
Focus Group Strengths Limitations Convenient way to gather info. A natural setting for conversations Individuals may spark ideas from other participants, resulting in a richer response. Conformity effects may influence results (Asch). Cultural or gender norms may influence how a group behaves. Not appropriate for sensitive questions. Confidentiality of responses is difficult to guarantee. Evaluate semi-structured, focus group and narrative interviews
Narrative Interviews I'm collecting life histories for a training project that I'm doing and please could you tell me yours? Take your time. We've got as much time as you need for this and start wherever you like. I'll listen first, I won't interrupt and I may take a couple of notes that I'll ask you questions about later, um, please take the time that you need and as I said I won't interrupt you. So can you tell me your life history, the events and experiences that have been important to you up till now. Used to obtain the stories people employ to interpret their lives and the world around them. It is the way people organize and make connections between events that are of interest to the interviewer. Evaluate semi-structured, focus group and narrative interviews
Narrative Interviews Strengths Limitations A very holistic approach for an individual…leads to in depth data. A very naturalistic and supportive way to share information. ENOURMOUS amounts of data that may be difficult to analyze. Since most narrative interviews ask participants to share past experiences, it is susceptible to reconstructive memory. Evaluate semi-structured, focus group and narrative interviews