E-Science Applications in Thailand Panjai Tantasanawong Uninet Ministry of Education Putchong Uthayopas Thai National Grid Center, Software Industry Promotion Agency (SIPA) Ministry of Information and Communication
Outline E-Science development in Thailand Grid Computing in Thailand Example Applications
E-Science in Thailand: A brief timeline 1994 NECTEC put Thailand's first vectorised multiprocessor supercomputer, the Cray EL98 Computational Chemistry Computational Physics 1996 Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) use IBMSP NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) project 1997 the Computational Science and Engineering Programme Consortium was established as a cooperative effort among Thai universities and the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). 1999 Kasetsart University built 72 nodes Beowulf Cluster “Pirun” Academic and research applicaiton Start of the booming of Beowulf Cluster in Thailand 2001 Thailand transition into Grid Era
Statistic from ANSCSE (Annual national Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering) 1997-2005 showing the number of papers in each major e-science area Source: Sornthep Vannarat, NECTEC, “Computing and Information Grid Development in Thailand, ISGC2006 Presentation, May 2-4,2006,Taipai, Taiwan.
Grid Computing Development 2000-2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ThaiGrid project Start PRAGMA participation by NECTEC/KU National Grid project approved Virtual Screening On Grid Linking KMITNB-KU National Grid project started ThaiGrid link more than 100 processors from 5 universities Forming National Grid project proposal ThaiGrid has 5 members ThaiGrid Join SCGlobal2004
Thai National Grid Project A 4 years project under Ministry of Information and Communication Technology 5.5 Million US$ program Start from 13 universities and 1 government organizations Extending rapidly
Partners Institutes Chaingmai University (CMU) Khonkhan University (KKU) Bangkok Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) Chulalongkorn University (CU) Kasetsart University (KU) King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok (KMITNB) King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) Mahidol Unversity (MU) Silpakorn University (SU) The Meteorological Department Of Thailand (TMD) Walailak University (WU) Prince of Songkla University (PSU)
Inter-University Network (UniNet) ปัตตานี ยะลา นราธิวาส แม่ฮ่องสอน เชียงราย ลำปาง พะเยา น่าน แพร่ อุตรดิตถ์ สุโขทัย ลำพูน ตาก กำแพงเพชร เพชรบูรณ์ เลย ชัยภูมิ พิจิตร หนองบัว ลำภู อุดรธานี หนองคาย สกลนคร นครพนม กาฬสินธุ์ มหาสารคาม มุกดาหาร ร้อยเอ็ด ยโสธร อำนาจ เจริญ บุรีรัมย์ สุรินทร์ ศรีสะเกษ นครสวรรค์ อุทัยธานี กาญจนบุรี สุพรรณ บุรี ลพบุรี สระบุรี ปราจีนบุรี สระแก้ว ฉะเชิงเทรา จันทบุรี ระยอง ราชบุรี เพชรบุรี ตราด พระนครศรี สิงห์ ปทุมธานี นนทบุรี สมุทรสงคราม สมุทรสาคร สมุทรปราการ ประจวบ คีรีขันธ์ ชุมพร ระนอง สุราษฏร์ธานี พังงา ภูเก็ต กระบี่ ตรัง สตูล พัทลุง นครนายก เชียงใหม่ นครราชสีมา อุบลราชธานี สงขลา นครศรีธรรมราช Inter-University Network (UniNet) Commission on Higher Education (Center) 24 Public Universities 29 IT Campus 39 Rajabhat Universities 8 Private Universities 13 Mahachulalongkorn Rajawitayalai 9 Other agencies 9 Rajamangala Institue of Technology (44 Campus) Ministry of Education (for Under Higher Education) 2.5 Gbps- STM16 Internet - 622 Mbps (to Internet 2 155 Mbps) SUT 1 Gbps CMU 155 Mbps- STM1 34 Mbps - E3 8 Mbps - 4*E1 2 Mbps - E1 64 k – 2Mbps Domestic 1Gbps SU_NMJ MUA BU THAISARN 1Gbps MOEnet (K-12) 1Gbps (coming soon) PSU Update on 24 Jan 2006
Thai Research & Education Networks ThaiRen: UNINET ThaiSARN (NECTEC) 1 Gbps
ThaiREN Internet2 TEIN2 UniNet ThaiSarn CAT International Research 155 M TEIN2 155M 1G UniNet ThaiSarn 310 M CAT International 1G Research Institutes Universities THNIX Domestic
TEIN2 Internet2 (USA) ThaiSarn NOC UniNet NOC JGN II (JP) ThaiREN PoP 45Mbps ThaiSarn NOC UniNet NOC 2.5 Gbps 310Mbps JGN II (JP) ThaiREN PoP ThaiREN PoP 155Mbps via Singapore TEIN2
Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN2)
International Research and Education Networks UniNet to USA 310 Mbps UniNet to ThaiREN 1 Gbps ThaiREN to TEIN2 155 Mbps ThaiREN to JGN2 45 Mbps EUROPE UniNet JGN2 (Via ThaiSarn) TEIN2
Capability Time 2006 2007 2008 2009 R&E Grid Enterprise Grid Production Grid and Cluster infrastructure Rich set of services Computational Grid Enterprise analysis Grid Data and knowledge Grid Collaborative Grid Broad commercial adoption Stable Grid and Cluster infrastructure Interoperable Middleware and basic services Basic computational Grid Basic Data Grid Grid Portal Grid applications R&E Non production enterprise app Broad academic adoption Limited commercial adoption Pilot Grid and Cluster infrastructure Interoperable Middleware Basic computational Grid Basic Data Grid POC applications Time 2006 2007 2008 2009 Enterprise Grid Pilot Grid R&E Grid
2006 Grid Infrastructure ThaiRen (Uninet/ThaiSarn) 14 geographically distributed sites 400-600 processors 10+ Terabyte storage 15-20 research group 100+ researchers 2006 Grid Infrastructure ThaiRen (Uninet/ThaiSarn) KMITNB KMUTT KMITL TMD WU KU PSU CMU SUT KKU SU MU CU AIT Teraflop Server at TNGC 2.5Gb NECTEC
Science and Engineering 5 Initial Focus Areas Life Science Drug Design Digital media Rendering Enterprise computing WS/SOA Enterprise computing application Industrial Simulation and Modeling Financial analysis Medical/Health care Computational Science and Engineering Geoinformatics, CFD Education E-learning, collaborative environment Grid education Grid Infrastructure and Middleware Life Science Education Digital Media Enterprise Computing Science and Engineering Computational
ThaiGrid Drug Discovery Infrastructure Partners: Dr. Jak Saengma, KU Somsak Sriprayoonsakul, TNGC IBM Thailand Challenges From over 10000 active compounds available from Thai medicinal plants database, find a smallest set of compounds that has a potential to be used as a drug Very compute intensive. Several month of computing time Solution: Use grid to increase computing power to 10-100 times Distributed screening process to hundred of hosts on the Grid Benefit Speeding up time to results Allow scientists to spend more time analyzing results
Implicit Narrowband Level Set Method for Fire Spread Model Dr. Pallop Huabsomboon Mahidol University Challenges Simulation of large scale firespred for forest fire Very time consuming process Solution Distribute the computation on the Grid Benefit Expect 10x faster simulation speed Ability to model much larger problem within a reasonable time Part of TNGP/ Hewlett Packard Join Research Program
The Parallel Simulation Model for Thin Film Deposition Using the DSMC Method Dr. Rardchawadee Silapunt Dr. Tiranee Achalakul KMUTT, Thailand Thin film deposition process is used for many manufacturing industries including very large scale integrated circuits, optics, magnetic, hard and corrosion resistant coatings, micro-mechanics. Grid system will be used to accelerate the computation and simulation process Part of TNGP/ Hewlett Packard Join Research Program
Grid based data assimilation using RS data Dr. Kiyoshi Honda, AIT Dr. Putchong Uthayopas, THNC Challenges Using GA based data assimilation for agricultural monitoring Very long computation time from months to years Large amount of RS data needed to be moved around and process Solution: Using Grid to harvest more computing power Hide data assimilation process behind the service using MPI, GridRPC (ninf-g) Benefit Speeding up the calculation
Medical Grid Suwachai Sieanoon, Somkiat Chatchuenyot, Dr. Panjai Tantasnawong Computer Science Department, Silpakorn University To build and develop a distributed information management system using DataGrid technology. Apply the distributed information management system to test on exchanging and managing the Patient Records System, which is record complexity and, different format and large size of data. GRID Services Data Agent Service Registry Meta Data (HL7) XML IMAGE
NECTEC Information Grid Project Source: Sornthep Vannarat, NECTEC, “Computing and Information Grid Development in Thailand, ISGC2006 Presentation, May 2-4,2006,Taipai, Taiwan.
Access Grid Access Grid are Being used Regularly to support e-science activities Provide access to local conference (NECTEC) ANSCSE10, NAC2006 International Link SEAGF-MEETING Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand SCGlobal 2005,2004,2003 First APEC Virtual Symposium on Pandemic Preparedness using Access Grid, January 20, 2006 Presentation from Medical Organization in many economies: China, Taiwan, USA, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Philippine, and more
More Projects There are more projects from Government Agency NECTEC, BIOTEC, MTEC, TMD Universities More information are being collected
Summary Thailand are moving into more e-science practice due to Better computational and grid infrastructure More software solution More awareness Community building is still critical to success Building awareness, partnership increasing the interest TGCC (Thai Grid Computing Conference 2006) August 29-30 2006 All of you are invited
Thank You Q&A
Appendix: ThaiGrid: A Brief History 2000-2003 Dec 2000 ThaiGrid founded with 5 labs from 4 organizations Dec 8,2000 NWCC2000 at Thamasart University Sept 24-28,2001 Grid Demo in HPC ASIA 2001 2001-2002 building KU/KMITNB test bed Jan 2002 ThaiGrid Talk in APAN Phuket Feb 4,2003 Joint ApGrid Demo in APAN, Shianghai, China March 10, 2003 NWCC2003 at AIT June 5-6, 2003 KU Joining PRAGMA November 2003 KU join SC Global 2003
ThaiGrid: A Brief History 2004-2005 Jan 2004 ThaiGrid Talk in APAN Hawaii Feb 20,2004 First Access Grid Training in KU March 15,2004 First cluster workshop May 2004 Start the discussion of building National Grid Project June 2004 First Generation Drug Design Grid is demonstrated Sept 1-2, 2004 Thai Grid and Cluster Computing Conference TGCC2004 October 2004 Grid expanded to 5 universities November 2004 KU join SCGlobal 2004 December 28 Cabinet approve Thailand National Grid Project Jan24-28,2005 APAN Presence Access Grid Tutorial Presentation: Drug Design Grid, CFD, Remote Sensing May 2-6,2005 Grid Asia and PRAGMA participation June,2005 Budget for Thailand National Grid has been approved.