Objectives: To describe and explain examples of positive working practice with respect to individuals with additional needs To state how working practices may need to be changed to accommodate the needs of individuals We are going to look at good working practices for people with additional needs and how these can positively impact on their experiences. This can be seen within guidance criteria in the ‘hands-on’ way that health and social care workers work with people with additional needs.
Guidance Guidance means direction on how to behave or act. Within health and social care this is provided by: codes of practice charters policies.
Codes of practice Set by professions and provide guidance as to how you work within that profession. Examples include the: Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code of practice for nurses and midwives General Social Care Council (GSCC) code of practice for social care workers.
The General Social Care Council Regulates the workforce for social care in the UK. Publishes codes of practice and maintains a register of social workers as well as training and education for social care workers. was established in October 2001.
Charters state what people can expect from a service such as the National Health Service. this can then be used as a benchmark.
Policies often a reflection of government legislation and demonstrate how organisations should be putting laws into practice. every workplace must have policies on equal opportunities and health and safety.
How can positive working practices impact on the client? List at least 3 ways this can happen
Positive working practices These can positively impact upon individuals with disabilities build self-esteem promote the rights of people empower them to have control
What do positive working practices include? Needs-led assessment Person-centred planning Anti-discriminatory practice Empowering In pairs discuss and make notes on what these areas mean Why are they so important?
Needs-led assessment This includes looking first at what requirements the individual has and then building a service or services that meet these needs. All a person’s needs should be assessed (PIES). The emphasis is not on the person being assessed fitting in with a specific service but on services meeting the needs of the service user.
Anti-discriminatory practice Ensuring that you avoid assumptions or stereotypical views about people. Discriminatory practice could occur through assuming that all people are the same, or by stereotyping people. It is important to treat people as individuals, ensuring that they all have equal access to services and to challenge any discriminatory practice that may occur
Person-centred planning Involves placing the individual at the centre of any process. The emphasis is on the service user having as much control over the process as possible. This will ensure that the service user has decision-making powers and therefore the service should fit their individual needs more appropriately. Service providers and workers may need to adapt their method of working to accommodate the users, such as changing meeting times or venues.
Empowering This is about service users being able to make their own choices. When working with individuals with additional needs, it is important to ensure that as much as possible they have the power to make decisions, or are involved in decisions that affect them.
Enabling Enabling means to allow or facilitate. doing everything possible to empower the service user to make their own decisions and live as independent a life as possible. It is not just about doing things for people with additional needs, but enabling them to do things for themselves.
Positive reinforcement Positive reinforcement is about identifying positive aspects of a person and then drawing on or strengthening these. This can therefore result in a change in their behaviour. By reinforcing positive behaviours the individual will experience an increased feeling of self-esteem which means they will be more likely to repeat those behaviours.
Communication methods People with additional needs may use alternative methods to communicate. e.g. through signs or picture-based communication systems such as PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), which is often used with children with autism. Communication should be through service users’ preferred methods, so that they can get across their needs and positive relationships can be built
Communication Challenging behaviour is a way of communicating and time should be spent with service users to ensure that their choices are being respected and any barriers that may be stopping them communicating their needs are removed.
Assisting in development of coping strategies Developing coping strategies means developing ways to cope with difficulties, or to compromise within relationships. Doing this should have a positive impact upon an individual’s self-esteem and self-concept.