INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE FACTORS Individual Abilities Effort Organizational Support
PERSONALITY A relatively stable And unique Pattern of behavior, thoughts & emotions Shown by an individual
PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Infancy: Trust vs Mistrust Toddler-hood: Autonomy vs Shame Childhood: Competency vs Inferiority Adolescence: Identity vs Role confusion Early Adulthood: Intimacy vs isolation Middle Adulthood: Generativity vs stagnation Late Adulthood: Ego integrity vs despair
THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS Conscientiousness Organized, self- disciplined, responsible Disorganized, undisciplined, irresponsible
BIG FIVE CONT’D Extroversion - introversion Sociable, talkative, active Sober, quiet, reserved
BIG FIVE CONT’D Agreeableness Good-natured, gentle, cooperative, forgiving Cantankerous, irritable, uncooperative
BIG FIVE CON’T Emotional stability Calm. enthusiastic, secure Anxious, depressed, angry, insecure
BIG FIVE CON’T. Openness to experience Imaginative, creative, sensitive Insensitive, narrow, unimaginative
OTHER TRAITS Locus of control –Internal vs external Self-monitoring –High self-monitors vs Low self- monitors
COGNITIVE ABILITY General intelligence -- ability to think analytically, reason, problem solve –Verbal –Numerical –General knowledge –Reasoning ability –Spatial ability
PHYSICAL ABILITY Motor skills: manual dexterity, eye- hand coordination, reaction time Fitness: strength, stamina
MEASURING PERSONALITY & ABILITY Reliability: The extent to which test scores are consistent from time to time Validity: Extent to which a test is actually measuring what it claims to measure
MEASURING PERSONALITY & ABILITY Projective tests: Test which use ambiguous stimuli to measure personality. Objective tests: Inventories or questionnaires used to measure personality. These are scored by any objective key so there is no room for interpretation to answers
BACKWARD & FORWARD Summing up : We’ve examined personality and ability and the role they play in understand how people act and react in organizations Next time: We explore the function attitudes, especially those related to work. Do attitudes influence performance?