Writing frames for KS2 French Jo Rhys-Jones, September 2010
Use these words to make spooky sentences - use all the boxes! la sorcière le squelette le chat noir la momie le fantôme la citrouille le manche à balai la table la chaise le chaudron est Can you extend the sentences using adjectives! sur dans sous
How do I use/edit the previous slide? Edit by clicking on the text box and over-writing / changing the colours etc.. Add more text boxes (adjectives, verbs etc) for those with more experience/more able.. The images make it more interesting without being distracting, the colours highlight certain word-types and will help the kids to remember visually. The background is always a pastel colour, never white (advice from dyslexia association). PS – the spider is invisible when in edit mode but he is just an image at the bottom of the slide – click at the bottom and you’ll see the image box then you can delete him... (it was Hallowe’en that’s why the spider is there)
1 Je / J’IlElle 2 aimemange 3 lelales 4 any noun, singular or plural
How do I use the previous slide? Use to make human sentences using mini whiteboards give each child a number 1-4, according to their number they choose what to write on their mini-whiteboard from the grid. Give the class 4 minutes (use a stopwatch) to try and team up with partners to make a sentence in French.
J’ai Il a Elle a un chiennoir rouge blanc brun gris qui s’appelle Rex chatToto lapinGinger une tortuenoire blanche brune grise Fifi sourisNeo despoissonsrouges bleus qui s’appellent Sparkle, Boo, Jaws, Fang et Neptune
How do I use the previous slide? Admittedly not a fantastic frame but hopefully it can help you as a ready-made template to create your own.
J’ai Il a Elle a une boucherouge noire blanche brune grise et un chapeau un perroquet une cicatrice moustache les cheveux rouges frisés longs courts méchants bleus bruns noirs blondes yeux