Individual v. situational explanations of behaviour Milgram Individual: Passive/Sadistic(?) personalities High level of empathy/strong will Situational Prods/Lab coat/Yale University Being in an experiment: demand char.
Individual v. situational explanations of behaviour Zimbardo Individual: Need for power/creativity Rebelliousness/sensitivity Situational Role play/ the arrest Functional equivalents/clothes
Individual v. situational explanations of behaviour Piliavin Individual: Level of empathy/morality Physical strength Level of apathy Situational Being in an enclosed space Being in a public place
Individual v. situational explanations of behaviour Tajfel Individual: Level of competitiveness Wanting to be fair Situational Being in a group Being in a cubicle
The Fundamental Attribution Error Attributions are basically explanations of behaviour Often we make a basic error when explaining behaviour E.g. icy roads What is this error? Sometimes we show self-serving bias in our explanations E.g. Exam success/failure You don’t need to know this for AS but it is interesting to think about when we consider the social psychology studies.