Special Educational Needs and Disability Pathfinder and Individual Budgets The approach in Gateshead February 2012
Contents Why Gateshead? What do we need to change? Where do we want to be? How are we planning to get there? Where are we now? Key messages to date Where next?
Why Gateshead? Individual Budget pilot for families with Disabled children....but small numbers and limited budgets Transforming SEND and School Funding Reform Generally good working relationships with schools Development of a commissioning approach....but lack of clarity on roles and responsibilities Good partnership working....but issues around integration of education, social care and health; transitions
Where do we want to be? A child centred system A more transparent and family friendly system A system which delivers better outcomes An approach which brings more choice An approach which is value for money A single care plan – education, health and social care to 25 A more streamlined approach to assessments More integrated budgets
How are we planning to get there Streamlined assessment and simpler care plans Testing – 12 families, plus control group of 8 ‘Your LOG’ – Local Offer Gateshead Active engagement and involvement of families Testing VCS role Personal Budgets
Active involvement of families Testing proposals Parents in Power Conferences, newsletters, events Young people ‘System navigator’ model Person centred planning Key workers
Ini tia l As se ss m en t CAF completed Panel * decides which services will be involved in assessment Assessment carried out Resource Allocation Panel * determines indicative budget Person Centred Planning meeting to pull plan together – Skills for People Panel agrees plan. Copy of assessment information circulated by Central Assessment Team Review held Review considered by Panel * Co-ordinated Assessment headlines prepared by LA to identify needs As se ss m en t Pla nn in g Re vie w 6 weeks 2 weeks 26 weeks 3 weeks Meeting with family, led by System Navigators Letter sent to parents to confirm agencies being contacted and date information due back Reports shared with parents by professionals 6 weeks 2 weeks Delivered to parents by System Navigator and if necessary a meeting with practitioners to discuss any areas where negotiation may be required Decision shared with parents by System Navigator. Meeting arranged with parents where negotiation may be required. Parents at the meeting Single Plan sent to parents and where not agreed meeting arranged with parents Parents at the meeting. Skills for People will discuss resources with practitioners before and after meeting but not necessary for practitioners to attend. * Same Panel Practitioners meeting held To discuss provision in light of views from Person Centred Planning meeting
LOG: Local Offer Gateshead What is it and who is it for? How do we stop it going out of date? Broad walk through Who does what What’s out there Personal Budgets What you can expect Where you can get help Jargon Buster If things go wrong….
Personal Budgets An approach, not just a process Building up options Care Health Education through personalised approaches Transport Support
Key messages Putting parents and children at the centre Dangers of professionalism Significant challenges on health budgets, but no lack of interest Education budgets will be a challenge – engaging schools Engaging families, especially in a control group