Received a Disability Services Profile…Now What? January, 2008.
Agenda Individual Student Profile- Developed How? Documentation Requirements Recommended Accommodations Student Role Faculty Role Ontario Human Rights Commission- Guidelines on Accessible Education Conclusions Resources
Documentation Requirements Medical/Psychiatric/Psychological- completed medical report by appropriate medical practitioner medical documentation available through other service providers ie WSIB Hearing- Audiologist Report Vision- Ophthalmologist Report, CNIB card carry Low-Vision Clinic assessment
Documentation Requirements Acquired Brain Injury- neuropsychological assessment Learning Disability- Level I IPRC/IEP Level II- psychoeducational assessment- updated assessment required if documentation is more than 5 years old Suspected Learning Disability- Delta Screener and/or Guelph Screener for Learning Disabilities
Recommended Accommodations Testing Accommodations Notetaking Reduced Program Courseload Alternative to print materials Rote Memory List Extensions on Assignments Use of calculator, spellchecker, computer Other as per documentation
Student Role To identify as a student with a disability through Disability and/or Counselling Services To provide sufficient documentation/information about their disability related needs To provide a copy of the ISP to faculty To arrange to discuss the ISP with faculty as needed To remind faculty of the need for accommodations in a timely fashion
Student Role To make every attempt to meet faculty expectations with respect to classroom behaviour, deadlines etc. To be respectful of faculty and other learners To discuss concerns re: accommodations with faculty and Counselling and Disability Services staff as needed
Faculty Role To read the ISP and discuss with the student as needed To protect the student’s right to confidentiality and the confidentiality of the ISP To facilitate the accommodations process as requested in the ISP To consider alternative ways/and or accommodations whereby student learning can occur- You are the experts on your subject matter!!!
Faculty Role To discuss accommodation ideas/concerns with students and as needed with Counselling and Disability Services staff- Our role is to be a resource to you! To provide tests and record of testing materials to Disability Services in a timely fashion To be available for clarification for tests/exams and/or assignments as requested by the student or Disability Services To participate in training as needed and be aware of legislation To ensure equal treatment of all students
Ontario Human Rights Commission Guidelines on Accessible Education Scope of the Guidelines Provides protection to persons with disabilities receiving educational services Applies to public and private institutions Applies to all parties to the accommodation process
The Guidelines and Principles of Accommodation Respect for dignity Students with disabilities have the right to receive educational services in a manner that is respectful of their dignity Accommodation solutions provided must keep this principle in mind, otherwise they will not be considered appropriate
The Guidelines and Principles of Accommodation Inclusion and full participation Promoting inclusive design- In addition to making physical structures accessible take steps to include students with disabilities in classroom and extra- curricular activities. Policies, programs and services designed
The Guidelines and Principles of Accommodation Individualized accommodation No set formula for accommodation as each case is unique Accommodations determined on the basis of an individual’s particular strengths and needs
The Guidelines and Appropriate Accommodation Duty to accommodate requires that the most appropriate accommodation be determined and undertaken, short of undue hardship “Academic Freedom” versus “Academic Integrity” “Academic Freedom” is not a defence to the duty to accommodate
The Guidelines and Appropriate Accommodation “Academic freedom” vs. “Academic Integrity” Example:-student’s request to tape record lectures. Allows student to benefit from lectures equally with other students. The student would not be entitled to put the tape recordings to any use to which other students could not put their lecture notes
The Guidelines and Appropriate Accommodation “Academic Integrity” and Appropriate Accommodation Academic integrity is maintained as appropriate accommodations should not lead to lowered standards or outcomes, but enable students to successfully meet the essential requirements of the program The manner in which the student demonstrates mastery, knowledge and skills may be altered. After receiving appropriate accommodations, the student must be able to meet the essential requirements of the educational service
The Guidelines and Appropriate Accommodation Accommodating Educational Outcomes The onus and burden of proof is on the institution to determine what is an essential requirement Appropriate accommodation will provide the student with the opportunity to successfully meet the essential program requirements
The Guidelines and Appropriate Accommodation Onus is on the education provider to show that the student cannot meet the essential requirements When designing programs, educators are to keep in mind the principles of universal design. Course curriculum, delivery methods, and evaluation methodologies should be designed inclusively from the outset.
Conclusions Accommodation- a shared responsibility We are all on the same team!!! “Fairness is about giving everyone what he or she needs to be successful.” (from “How Difficult Can It Be?”- Richard Lavoie)
Resources Sheridan- Counselling and Disability Services websites: College Committee on Disability Issues website: Ontario Human Rights Commission