The big challenge for our generation of school leaders: using the pupil premium to narrow the gap Worcestershire Pupil Premium conference 21 January 2015 The way forward 1
The way forward for individual schools Define an ambition for PP-eligible children Make PP policy part of school development plan and part of overall school improvement strategy Involve governors Identify barriers to learning Decide desired outcomes + success criteria Analyse balance of existing PP expenditure Evaluate effectiveness of existing strategies Change less effective strategies and replace with more effective Look at top strategies in EEF Toolkit and decide which to adopt 2
The way forward for individual schools Get buy-in from ALL staff Increase professional networking of staff Data drill-down to identify ‘Even Better If’ PP pupils Organise rapid interventions Analyse and develop curriculum to maximise benefit for PP-eligible pupils Check school website for good audit trail: from PP expenditure to impact 3
The way forward: Ways of working together in Worcestershire Share essential materials for schools Build effective outward-looking network for PP champions Other ways of schools supporting each other and working with LA on PP agenda Focus LA’s data support for schools on PP Support governing bodies on PP agenda Support schools’ work to raise attainment of LACs Other LA services to focus support on schools’ work with PP-eligible pupils 4