Participation: Putting the Individual First Daisy Brooke, Participation Manager, Yachting Australia
Aims of the session 1.To provide you with a summary of the background work conducted with YA Sailability Committee 2.To present the priorities for the ASC funding 3.To present the tangible outputs of the work undertaken 4.To discuss & understand the communication challenges
Inclusion Journey…….. Key people Memorable experiences (good & bad) Learning & educating Actions taken & the outcomes
Participation Manager Role created through ASC Participation Funding Oct projects: Roll-out National Junior program (Tackers) Entry-brand (Discover Sailing) Sailability - Inclusion 8 States & Territories – their member clubs
Collaboration with YA Sailability Committee 1 representative from each State appointment by their State Yachting Association Co-opted Members
Strengths of Sailability High levels of volunteer engagement Providing an experience on the water for many participants Self-generated funding – ample boats available, facilities development, equipment
What are the issues? Measurement of number of participants & volunteers? Consistency of approach Absence of a clear definition of what Sailability is Innovation of the program Participant progression into clubs Engage more clubs Volunteer training Communication with participants & volunteer Better connection to State Yachting Assoc. Broad inclusion
ASC Funded Project How did we determine the project? ASC guidelines & recommendations Part of the overall aspirational, cultural, practical change through Discover Sailing (10 different components) Consultation with YA Sailability Committee Seeking feedback from programs via their State delegate Generating a ‘wish list’ & prioritising items
Background work with Committee Participation Funding – purpose & expectations Big issues facing the sport The concept of The Sailing Pathway Capacity within YA & States Understanding the accountabilities of the ASC funding State delegations as the link back to programs
Priorities Determined by Committee 1. Develop more nationally consistent approach to including people of all-abilities in all sailing club activities 2. Increase awareness & education of the inclusion of people of all-abilities in all sailing clubs 3. Attract & train more volunteers as the critical resource for delivering Sailability 4. Enhanced online communication to participants 5. Significant increase in the number of people of all-abilities participating in recognised courses & progressing on the Sailing Pathway
Acknowledged premise of the project Optional for individuals clubs & programs to follow or not the recommendations and use the resources Resources are limited for widespread face-to-face consultation with clubs & programs State delegates represented the clubs & programs in their State
Purpose of Sailability Sailability is an entry program that aims to promote sailing as an inclusive sport that involves people of all abilities in all club activities, by ensuring club facilities and programs are accessible, and clubs have develop a culture of inclusion through promotion, awareness and training. Sailability provides an entry point to The Sailing Pathway.
Priority 1. Consistent Approach Risk & Safety Management Programs offered Clubs understanding how to promote individual choice Qualifications of those delivering programs Communication to participants Benefit from being part of the club network
Priority 2. Inclusion Awareness & Training Increase understanding of inclusion Start to communicate clearly about inclusion Tangible resources – videos & YA website Case study of successful inclusion Whole of sport approach – all procedures, policies, & programs Inclusion Training a priority
‘Everyone Discover Sailing’ Reviewed & updated existing inclusion resources in 2013 Industry standard Promotes individual choice Aimed to be delivered: By trained & supported presenters Online Face-to-face workshop Embedded in accredited instructor courses
Priority 3. Attract Volunteers Volunteering has changed Consistent approach = consistent call to action Communication with programs Club with existing volunteer pool Register volunteers – data capture & communications Seek feedback from volunteers
Train Volunteers Volunteer Induction – structure of sport, aims, process of development, The Sailing Pathway Everyone Discover Sailing Risk & Safety Instructing & coaching qualifications Race officiating Developing ongoing communication
Priority 4. Online Media Sailability is not separate Contemporary inclusion language Discover Sailing website For people new to sailing Easy to understand information Integrated with social media Videos to explain programs Aims to motivate people to choose a participation opportunity that suits them Search functions
Benefits of the Discover Sailing website Designed for people outside of the sport Ensure your sailing club administrator for MyClub enters the correct data View your own club website – user friendly Embed the videos on club website Use DS site to promote the activities you are delivering Seek advice from your State Yachting Assoc.
Future developments of the website Volunteer Match service Connects volunteers with clubs Clubs can search for volunteers Volunteers can search for clubs
Priority 5. The Sailing Pathway Increase individual choice based The Sailing Pathway Continually understanding the barriers & enablers to offering individual choice Achievement is a driver for participation The goal is NOT to get everyone to international level Club membership is a key outcome
Learn to Sail Programs Review of Learn to Sail syllabus Review of instructor training (inclusion) Learn to Sail courses can be undertaken by people of all- abilities is that choice is for them Learn to Sail courses can be delivered in Access Class Adapting & modifying to individual is industry standard ‘Everyone Discover Sailing’ in Instructor course Communicate to Discover Sailing Centres
How to promote The Sailing Pathway Engage & educate volunteers Train volunteers Communicate the options Measure participation Feedback from participants Measure all-abilities representation in club membership
Tools & Resources Distributed by State Yachting Association Yachting Australia website ‘Participation’, ‘Training & Education’, ‘Sports Services’ Discover Sailing Implementation Plan Case Study template List of resources from other sports
COMMUNICATION What currently exists? What do volunteers want? How do we achieve it?