Academic and Career Planning for College AND Career-Ready Graduates
WCSCM has been in place since Model includes standards in 3 domains: Academic Personal/Social Career Standards contain many of the components of ACP WI Admin Code PI26 Education for Employment Requires school districts to have career exploration activities for students in grades K – 12 Districts are required to submit their plan to DPI for approval Special Education Law requires students to have a Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) by age 14 Carl Perking funding mandates that students have CTE Programs of Study Where HAVE We Been?
Pervasive achievement gaps High drop-out/low graduation rates in some places Post-secondary school performance – High need for remedial coursework – Poor program completion rates Skills gaps Truancy and student conduct concerns Graduates without direction or employable skills Challenges Facing Schools
Why Academic and Career Planning? 1.Research says students with a future-focus show: a)improved motivation, school engagement, academic performance, relevant course selection, understanding post-secondary options; and b)decreased risk-taking behaviors. 2.ACPs are identified as best practice in the WI Comprehensive School Counseling Standards & the WI Digital Learning Plan. 3.Academic and Career Planning adds relevance to other initiatives (e.g., PBIS, RtI, Dual Enrollment, Youth Options). 4.WI Statute (59) supports Academic & Career Planning.
Authorizes DPI to create administrative rule with requirements for ACP services for all students in grades 6-12 by Includes $1.1 million in funding for software technology and professional development supporting statewide implementation of ACP. Wisconsin Statute (59)
An ongoing PROCESS that uses a TOOL to actively engage students to: – Understand SELF – PLAN for the future – Develop GOALS – Map the ROUTE to achieve those goals A PRODUCT that documents and reflects students’: – Courses & Assessments taken – Post-secondary plans aligned to CAREER goals – RECORD of college and career readiness skills. What is Academic and Career Planning?
Who am I? (KNOW) What do I want to do? (EXPLORE) How do get I there? (PLAN) Let’s GO! (GO) Each Student’s ACP process
ACP Process Components KNOW – Self awareness & exploration activities – Individual goal-setting EXPLORE – Career awareness assessment – Career research & postsecondary training options – Connect a student’s middle and high school instructional activities with the education and preparation needed to successfully enter a particular field of interest PLAN – Work-based learning opportunities – Extra-curricular and community-based learning experiences – Financial plan to cover cost of postsecondary training GO – Adapt/Modify regularly Intentional Sequence of Courses Personal Goals Career Goals – ACP Conferencing
KnowExplorePlanGo Individual Exploration ActivitiesCareer Exploration ActivitiesPlanning ActivitiesManagement Activities Writing Personal Reflections Personality Assessment Learning Style Assessment Career Interest InventoriesSetting Career GoalsResume BuilderCover LettersUpdate Quarterly Identifying Strengths Identifying Needs Setting Personal Goals Career Cluster Exploration Career Pathway Exploration Labor Market AnalysisMock InterviewsModify Intentional Sequence of Courses Academic Planning Activities Creation of Program of Study Job Fair Participant Investigate Post- Secondary Options Applications to Post- Secondary Options Modify Personal Goals Setting Academic Goals Selecting an Intentional Sequence of Courses Course Scheduling CTSO ParticipantCareer ResearchCampus VisitsCampus Visit ReflectionModify Career Goals Academic PreparationInternship or ExternshipCareer Research PaperFinancial PlanFAFSA formACP Conferencing Special Education Core Courses Regular Education Core Courses AP or Advanced Courses Job ShadowingWork-based Learning Gather Letters of Recommendation Scholarship Info Youth OptionsCTE CoursesDual EnrollmentLabor Market ExplorationYouth Apprenticeship Interviews of Career Experts Leadership Opportunities International Baccalaureate Programs Extra/Co- Curricular Involvement Career AcademiesService Learning ProjectsWork Experience Choosing a Post- Secondary Option Decision-Making Reflection Project Lead the Way Industry or Technical Certifications STEMACP Conferencing ASVABASPIREACT/SAT “Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower ACP Conferencing Grid of Process/Product Components of Academic & Career Planning
Then VS Now 4-Year Plan (Traditional)ACP (Now) Product-basedProcess-based Some or select studentsAll students Acts as a 4-year plan of courses Acts as a navigational tool for students from grade 6-12 and beyond Student “on own” for its development Student-driven with collaboration (mentor and parents) HS Graduation = End pointHS Graduation = Check point Career development is only the school counselor’s job Career development is a systematic, whole- school responsibility
Current ACP Resources ACP Resources In Development Work-based Learning Youth Options Dual Enrollment ACP List-serv Dedicated ACP Transcripted Credit Programs of Study Course Options Credit Flexibility ACP Webpage ACP Software Tool ACP Training Modules ACP Communications Materials ACP Social Media (Blog, G+, Twitter, FB)
Conclusion Academic and Career Planning in Wisconsin is meant to fully engage students in the processes of planning their future so that they are able to adapt to changing situations, address unforeseen challenges, leverage emerging opportunities, and apply new lessons and insights as they occur. TO Launch Adults NOT TO College BUT THRU College (post-secondary) TO Career!
Questions? Robin Kroyer-Kubicek