Kentucky Department of Education Kentucky Increases College Awareness Through Student Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) Kentucky Department of Education
What is the ILP- Individual Learning Plan? Online education and career planning tool that can be accessed from any internet connection Students can see how course selection impacts individual college and career goals. Free to all public schools in Kentucky that house grades 6-12
History of ILP Legislation required all 8th-12th graders to have a paper Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) in Minimum HS graduation requirements IGPs were under utilized and not interactive Research began in 2002 to improve the functionality of the IGP KY contracted with Career Cruising to create the KY ILP The web-enabled ILP was introduced to schools in Fall 2006/07.
ILP Legislation A completed ILP is required within the Kentucky Regulation 704 KAR 3:305 – Minimum High School Graduation Requirements Regulation
ILP Increases College Awareness Students: complete Career Matchmaker explore careers of choice and save careers of interest explore colleges and technical schools that support their career choices learn about financing for college
Career Matchmaker The ILP is fully integrated with the Career Cruising career guidance system. Students rate their interest in various work tasks.
Career Matchmaker Results Students can save their results from the Career Matchmaker interest inventory and return at a later date to explore more. Students receive a list of 40 career suggestions, by KY Career Clusters, that are ranked in order of personal suitability
My Skills My Skills is an inventory assessment that asks students to rate their level of skill in 45 areas. Once students have completed the assessment, icons indicating the level of skill suitability will appear beside the career names in the Matchmaker Career Suggestions.
Career Exploration Students can search careers by title (alphabetically), school subject, career clusters, military careers or use the career selector to input a variety of criteria ie. Make selections for each of the above options.
Career Exploration The Career Exploration component provides educational requirements, possible career paths and video interviews of two people in the career. Students can save and/or print information about specific careers. Links are provided to post-secondary institutions that offer programs that support the career.
Career Exploration Students can see the questions and responses that created the Career Matchmaker list. Photo files and video interviews are available for all careers.
Search by Index There are multiple pathways for students to research careers. Students can also search for a career using the alphabetical index.
Career Exploration-Related Jobs Additional related jobs are listed for all careers. Students cruise from these hotlinks to explore more careers.
Career Exploration-Education Students can view the educational requirements for each career in which they are interested. This is powerful information as it provides a “heads up” to students regarding their ability to guide themselves on a career path.
College Exploration Students can see which colleges offer programs that will support their career goals. With this tool they can begin their college search from their computer by identifying programs that meet their size, location and cost criteria.
Employment Guide To further enhance the career exploration of students Career Cruising has added an Employment Guide provides students with valuable advice for all stages of the work search. From developing a job search plan, to writing a resume and cover letter, to preparing for that important interview, through to the first day on the job, our Employment Guide will lead students step-by-step along the way. The Employment Guide was developed in partnership with University of Waterloo (uWaterloo) Center for Career Action, and contains elements of uWaterloo’s Career Development eManual. The eManual is a comprehensive, 6 step exercise and activity guide that will prompt you to evaluate your professional skills, interests, values and personal characteristics, as well as your employment and lifestyle goals in order to map out a career path that is right for you. Find out more about what uWaterloo’s Career Development eManual can do for you, and how to subscribe.
Exploring Schools School search includes undergraduate programs, Career and Technical Schools and Graduate schools. The ILP is not just for secondary schools, this tool can be used throughout a person’s education and career. Students can also complete a side-by-side comparison of schools they are interested in.
Exploring Schools Admissions requirements Estimated expenses Student life: clubs School type: 4 year private Setting: rural, city, small town, etc.. Student body: total students and total undergraduate students Faculty: full time, part time and student-faculty ratio Credentials awarded: degrees and certificates Data Source: Peterson's Undergraduate, Vocational & Technical Programs, and Graduate Institution-Level licensed data sets. Blank entries indicate that data was not reported. To confirm data or receive more details, please contact the institution directly.
The ILP is a valuable tool for career planning as well as college planning. Assessment records Education Plan Career Planning Activities Goals and Plans Hobbies and Interest reflection Activities, Awards and Recognition record Resume Builder Work Experience record Community Service record Career Cluster Interest reflection Learning Services record The ILP is a “one stop shop” for students to plan life after high school, whether that includes college or not. In addition, students can maintain access to their ILP for the rest of their lives- as long as there is activity at least ONCE every 5 years the ILP remains active. As students move, change careers or obtain additional training/education they can maintain up-to-date records that are accessible with a few key strokes.
Learning Styles
Education Plan The Education Plan allows students to record the high school courses they have taken, are taking now, or plan to take in the future. Schools can use this section to help students to create a course schedule that meets their career and educational goals School courses are linked to Kentucky’s universal course codes to allow reporting at the school, district, and state level. Data from the Education Plan can be used to forecast course demand.
Career Cluster Interests Kentucky’s 14 Career Clusters have been integrated in a variety of ways. Clicking on the name of a cluster takes students to a page with a brief description of that cluster as well as links to related career profiles. Students can indicate which clusters are of particular interest and record personal perspectives.
Career Planning Activities Students can document the career planning and development activities in which they have participated, including job shadowing, attending career or college fairs, internships and co-op placements. The list of available activities has been customized for Kentucky. It is also tailored for middle school and high school students
Extracurricular Activities In the Organizations & Activities section, students can detail the structured extracurricular activities in which they participate. The Hobbies & Interests section allows students to record the informal or independent activities that they enjoy.
Community Service Learning Students can document their community service learning experiences, including the number of hours they have completed and the name of their reference or supervisor. Related files, such as a letters of reference or timesheets, can be uploaded and linked to particular records. Students can also enter their work experience in the same fashion
ILP Completion Standards ILP Completion Standards clearly define the objectives and expectations for students. With the ILP Completion Status Bar, students can view requirements and track their progress towards meeting those specific objectives. Completion Standards help ensure that students keep their ILPs up to date. Each year students must review and revise the required sections of their ILP and reflect on the changes they have made to achieve completion. ILP Completion Standards are set on a grade by grade basis. The ILP is a progressive experience for students as they build their plan over time.
Resume Builder The ILP also includes a Resume Builder, which takes information students have already entered and helps them create a customized resume. Students can select a variety of styles and can select the order in which the sections appear, allowing them to create chronological, functional or combined format resumes. The resume can be printed from a web browser or exported as a Word, text, or html file.
ILP Engages Parents View their students ILP Leave comments for students in various sections of ILP Access from any web browser Connect with students on a new level Parents have access to a variety of components of the ILP. Parent access is “read only” with the exception of leaving comments for their child’s advisor.
Parent View Parents see what their student has in ILP and can leave comments on all pages, including the homepage.
Parent View-Comments Parent comments can be sent to the child’s advisor for a response
Parent View-Career Matchmaker
Parent View-Schools of Interest
Printable View
School ILP Administration Tool Retrieve student ILP usernames and passwords. View individual students’ ILPs Create and manage advisor accounts to ensure that staff have access to the features and information that they need In the helpful documents section of the Administrator Tool can be found a user’s guide, classroom activities, hand-outs that can be used for a variety of audiences (teachers, counselors, parents and community stakeholders) well as archived recordings of webinars so that administrators can refresh their understanding of specific components and how to use them.
School ILP Administration Tool Monitor ILP Completion Status both individually and at the aggregate level Generate a wide variety of customizable reports for every data element included in the ILP, including Student Survey Results Send messages to students and add links to the ILP Homepage Completion status can be viewed by school year, advisor, grade, gender or ethnicity.
School ILP Administration Tool Integration with Infinite Campus facilitates student information management for the schools. Students are added, transferred, and promoted automatically
The Student List The Student List provides access to a number of options: Retrieve student usernames and passwords View ILPs or resumes View or add to Advisement Logs Record Annual ILP Review View detailed completion status reports Create and view parent accounts, comments, and review status Send messages to individual students or groups of student Export the Student List to distribute usernames and passwords, to create checklists, or other purposes for which you might need the list of student ILPs.
ILP Completion Reports Quickly and easily monitor students’ progress at a glance and view detailed breakdowns. Identify students who are not meeting expectations to determine what help is needed. Track overall student achievement through a variety of ILP Completion Standards Reports
Number of students using the ILP Student Usage 09/10 data as of December. We are well on track to exceed last year’s totals. School Year Number of students using the ILP Total Log-ins 2006/07 167,491 1,034,956 2007/08 337,444 1,747,447 2008/09 336,280 1,516,650 2009/10 343,293 527,082 Update as needed to reflect current totals at time of the presentation. Sharon Johnston at KDE (502-564-4772) can do this for you, or Meredith Beyer-Alldridge at Career Cruising : 1-800-9658541.
QUESTIONS? ? ? ? ? ? ?
For more information, please contact: Jim Daigneau Career Cruising Phone: 1-800-965-8541 ext. 137 Sharon Johnston KY Department of Education Phone: 502-564-4772 email questions to : website: