Unit 3, Lesson 5 Individual Rights and Interpretation of Law Learning Target: IWBAT contrast how the Constitution safeguards and limits individual rights IWBAT simulate the judicial decision-making process in interpreting law at the state and federal level Learning Target: IWBAT contrast how the Constitution safeguards and limits individual rights IWBAT simulate the judicial decision-making process in interpreting law at the state and federal level
Flashback Out of the cases we discussed, which one does the best job at protecting individual’s rights?
Vocabulary Establishment clause: the First Amendment guarantee that “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion” Free exercise clause: the First Amendment guarantee that prohibits government from unduly interfering with the free exercise of religion Parochial school: a school operated by a church or religious group Secular: nonreligious Abridge: limit Precedent: a model on which to base later decisions or actions Judicial protection: something protected by the judicial branch Establishment clause: the First Amendment guarantee that “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion” Free exercise clause: the First Amendment guarantee that prohibits government from unduly interfering with the free exercise of religion Parochial school: a school operated by a church or religious group Secular: nonreligious Abridge: limit Precedent: a model on which to base later decisions or actions Judicial protection: something protected by the judicial branch
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