Data Collection Form for Parent Centers Center for Parent Information & Resources This webinar was pre-recorded for your convenience as a busy, busy viewer.
Data Collection Form parent-center-data-collection/ Log on Parent Center Work Spaces Join Parent Center Data Collection Work Group D ownload the new data collection form from the Hub
H ave the new form in front of you when you listen to this webinar.
P oints we’re going to cover in this webinar Why collect these (or any) data? It’s sound practice Accountability to our funder & our boards Project improvement To make sure we’re serving our target audiences It’s required in your application
P oints we’re going to cover in this webinar Why was a new data collection form needed? To ensure consistency of data collected across centers To have a shared understanding of each data point & term To better reflect how service delivery has changed over the years
P oints we’re going to cover in this webinar What was the process used to develop this new form? User-centered! Input from Regional PTACs Input from Native American PTAC Input from CPIR’s Stakeholder Advisory Group Input from our Project Officer
P oints we’re going to cover in this webinar What’s different, what’s the same? Let’s dig in and see.
The new form has 5 parts: Section I Contacts Section II Unduplicated Parent Count Section III Demographic Information (including federal disability categories) Section IV Meetings Attended Section V Outreach and Dissemination
Section I—Contacts, Part A
S ee the “endnote” numbers? M ouse over them. 1— 2—
A pop-up box appears with the definition of the term inside. M ove your mouse, and the definition disappears.
The full K ey to the Worksheet also appears at the end…
The K ey is also available separately, in alphabetical order by term. parent-center-data-collection/
Section I—Contacts, Part B
Section II—Unduplicated Parent Count
Section II—Unduplicated Parent Count 10 Unduplicated count of parents Count only the actual number of individual parents served during the reporting period. The same parent may have participated in a number of workshops and received individual assistance multiple times; but for this data point, count each parent only one time. Example: If Jane Smith attended 5 trainings, called the center 10 times, and was supported in 1 IEP meeting and 1 mediation, she would only be counted as one (1) parent served.
Section III—Demographic Information
Section III—Demographic Information
Yes, TA will be provided!
Section IV—Meetings IV. MEETINGS
Section V—Outreach & Dissemination V. OUTREACH AND DISSEMINATION
S ummary of “What’s New” Unduplicated parent count Race/ethnicity data Language spoken by parents Definitions for terms! Updating of service delivery strategies
Data collection for will be a pilot year!
Next Steps Review the new data collection form and the definition key Jot down any questions you have Consider how your current data collection systems may need to be adjusted Join the discussion in the Data Collection Group in the Parent Center Work Spaces Consult your Regional PTAC for guidance Stay tuned for upcoming TA from CPIR