1 Literacy Leadership Teams December 2004 Common High-Quality Differentiated Instruction for Achievement for All within The Cleveland Literacy System Module 6
2 Rationale Understanding the structures within the literacy block and what we can teach and assess through each of the structures gives us the opportunity to ensure high-quality, rigorous instruction for all students. This is the first in a series of sessions that examines the structures of the literacy block and how we can use them to differentiate instruction.
3 Intended Learning Discuss and deepen our knowledge of the characteristics of differentiated instruction Review the structures of the Literacy Block. Analyze student data to plan differentiated instruction using a lesson. Link the general features of rigorous differentiated instruction to the literacy system. Link the general features of rigorous differentiated instruction to when meeting your student achievement goals.
4 FORM AN INSTANT GROUP Turn to the person on your left. Turn to the person on your right. Form an instant group of three.
5 Literacy Block
6 BREAK IT DOWN! Define differentiated instruction using 5 words. Define differentiated instruction using 4 words. Define differentiated instruction using 2 words.
8 SHARING Based on the information from slides 9 to 17 in your PowerPoint presentation packet, how can differentiated instruction help you meet your student achievement goals? Please chart your answers being sure to cite specific slides.
9 Did You Know? “The most important factor affecting student learning is the teacher……. …….effective teachers appear to be effective with students of all achievement levels…….” (Wright et.al., 1977, pg. 63)
10 Successfully responding to the academic diversity of their students in their classrooms. One of the Biggest Challenges for Teachers is…….
11 Is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. Is based on best practices in education. Enhances learning for all students because the activities meet each student’s individual learning needs. Can be implemented/accomplished in many different ways. Differentiation
12 Links assessment with instruction. Encourages students in their roles as active learners. Learning is collaborative and flexible. Group and individual norms are balanced. Content, process and products are continuously evaluated for effectiveness. (Tomlinson, 1999) The Differentiated Classroom
13 Can Differentiate Content Process Product “What” “How” “Results” Teacher
14 Content = What a student should Learn Standards Benchmarks Indicators Comprehend Theory Formulas Strategies Processes Skills From the materials and resources that contain the Core of the standards.
15 Process = How Engage in rigorous instruction designed to assist the student with: Making sense of the content. Owning the content to address individual learning needs and expectations. Connecting to past and future knowledge; thus becoming life long learners. Being accountable to the learning community.
16 Product = End Results The student is actively involved in learning. The student is able to demonstrate what they have been taught. The student will acquire a desire to learn; thus becoming life long learners. Teachers may assess the teaching and re-teaching needs of all students. There is a commitment to the learning community.
17 Differentiation The Student’s ReadinessInterest Learning Profile Standards tell us WHAT to teach. Differentiation of instruction is one method research encourages teachers to use to maximize students’ individual potential learning needs.
18 Jigsaw - Form a group of 5. Those groups that are on the right and left-hand side will be reading and reporting out on the Standards-Based Instruction for ALL Learners: A Treasure Chest for Principal-Led Building Teams in Improving Results for Learners Most At-Risk (excerpt) and the CMSD Special Education Writing Team handout: Intervention Strategies for Diverse Learners. Those groups that are in the middle section will be reading and reporting out on the Pre-Referral Intervention Manual (PRIM ) (excerpt). The essential question is, Why are these resources valuable to educators? Be sure to think about the following: For whom are these resources appropriate? When do I utilize these resources? What is the instructional purpose of these resources? How does data impact the use of these resources? Please chart your information and post your sheet on the wall. Be prepared to share your answers by reporting out.
19 What It Means Instructional + Differentiated = Meeting Block Instruction School Student Achievement Targets/Goals
20 Differentiated Instruction Summary Assessing each student’s particular learning needs in relation to current standards, benchmarks, and performance indicators. Then planning instruction for each student, either in whole class group, small groups or individual instruction. This grouping is flexible depending on the skills and learning needs of each student.
21 Summary of Differentiated Instruction ALL STUDENTS Assess Plan Teach ALL STUDENTS
22 Grades PreKindergarten – Five: TASK Utilizing Kindergarten Readiness Assessment and Grade 1 and 2 State Short- Screening Measures and Results to Differentiate Instruction Intervention Activities Teachers Can Do When Kids Can’t: Answer Multiple-Choice Items on the Cleveland Third Grade Reading Benchmark Test Version 1 Third Grade Lesson Demonstration Review the copy of the lesson that will be presented. Use the blank lesson format and the attached page for taking notes as you observe the demonstration. After the lesson, discuss the lesson framework, the standard, assessment, and strategies for differentiated instruction. NEXT: Select a fourth grade or fifth grade English Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies lesson and embed differentiated instruction. Use the resources below: CMSD Special Education Writing Team Handout PRIM - Excerpt ODE: Treasure Chest – Excerpt Discuss the lesson framework, the standard, assessment, and strategies for differentiated instruction. Cite the titles and page numbers. Be prepared to share your ideas by reporting out.
23 Grades Sixth – Twelve: TASK Select a sixth grade or twelfth grade English Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies lesson and embed differentiated instruction. Use the resources below: CMSD Special Education Writing Team Handout PRIM - Excerpt ODE: Treasure Chest – Excerpt Discuss the lesson framework, the standard, assessment, and strategies for differentiated instruction. Cite the titles and page numbers. Be prepared to share your ideas by reporting out.
24 Reflection and Discussion What instructional strategies will you take with you from this session and use with your students?