Credit bearing CPD? An Academy Perspective Helen Thomas Assistant Director
Think about CPD broadly CPD within the context of HE Implications of the UK PSF for CPD Challenges/tensions
What is CPD? What is CPD for?
CPD is Ongoing focussed on the individual Impacts on practice Is a professional value
UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in HE (UK PSF) Three standard descriptors (SD) SD 1&2 Individual demonstrates Understanding of the student learning experience Ability to engage in practices … Ability to incorporate research, scholarship and/or professional practice … Into the areas of professional activity
SD3 Individual supports and promotes student learning through mentoring and leading Incorporates research, scholarship and/or professional practice Into the areas of activity
UK PSF has a focus on the individual reflection relating activity to practice and on the integration of scholarship and research into practice
Some conclusions (1) CPD focuses on the development needs of the individual - where they are coming from and where they need to get to should impact on the practice of the individual – outputs are as important as inputs Needs to be recorded meaningfully
Some conclusions (2) CPD Not time bounded Not a question of e.g. 30 hours a year Not for one year or two Continues over whole career Not activity bound Not a set or one or two courses Not characterised by numbers credits Not about gaining qualifications (at least not necessarily)