Formation of plurals
1. When the noun ends in a vowel add –s. Ex: casacasas cuadernocuadernos escritorioescritorios 2. When the noun ends in a consonant other than –s, add –es. Ex: colorcolores señorseñores árbolárboles
3. When the noun ends with a z, get rid of the z and add –ces. Ex: lápizlápices pezpeces vozvoces 4. If a noun ends in –ión or ón, drop the written accent and add –es. Ex: sillónsillones(si llo nes) cancióncanciones(can cio nes) televisióntelevisiones (te le vi sio nes) (They dont need the written accent because the nouns now follow the accent rule. )
5. Some English nouns can be either singular or plural without changing their spelling. Ex: elk can be either singular or plural. The only way to know is through context. A few Spanish words work the same way. Ex: paraguas (umbrella) sacapuntas (pencil sharpener) crisis (crisis)
6. There are some nouns that only exist in the singular form, even though they refer to more than one person or object. Ex: gente (people) agua (water) These nouns have to remain in the singular form.
Ejercicios Change the following to the plural form. 1. Silla ____________________ 2. Cuaderno____________________ 3. Diccionario ____________________ 4. Mochila____________________ 5. Reloj____________________ 6. Camión____________________
7. Lápiz____________________ 8. Baño____________________ 9. Canción____________________ 10. Luz____________________ 11. Mesabanco____________________ 12. Cama____________________ 13. Colegio____________________ 14. Dólar____________________ 15. Ejercicio____________________ 16. Cartel____________________