1 From inclinations to talent Oleksandr BUROV Institute of Information Technologies and Educational Tools National Academy of Pedagogic Science Kiev, Ukraine Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary Definitions Inclinations are genetic programs that determine the development of functional systems in the structure of the brain and the whole person as an individual (innate). Abilities are individual characteristics of a person, subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a particular kind of activity (developed in activity). Talent - certain abilities that occur with the acquisition of skills and experience (availability of any talents is fully conditioned by a human nurturing). Functional system is a dynamic self-organizing morpho-physiological structure and processes that provide useful result (for organism).
Kinder- garten Primary school University Job Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary Secondary school Where talents are lost Reasons of loses : lack of motivation, not taking into account individual features, not revealed giftedness/talent (hidden), academic achievements instead of giftedness/talent development.
Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary Support for talented children (pre-school) Private kindergarten Schools of early development Institute of Gifted Child
Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary Support for talented children (primary school) Extracurricular activity: Fine art Music Sport Network of Centers for gifted children support
Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary Support for talented children (secondary school) Extracurricular activity: Fine art Music Sport Network of Centers for scientific and technical creativity of youth Scientific competitions Minor Academy of Science Center for Talent Development
Talent support National search/development/competition system for gifted children Creation of various educational programs for gifted children Engaging into different competitions Talents identifying and development Opportunities and resources provision Engaging in various project activities Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
talent U k r a i n i a n I n t e r a c t i v e S c i e n c e C o m p e t i t i o n s "Levenya" Physics (82436 part.) "Leleka" Science History (4967 part.) "Technician-junior“ Competition of young inventors (4200 part.) "Kolosok" Natural Science ( part.) Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine unites 27 territorial departments at regional level, which coordinate the activity of district and city territorial departments and pupil scientific societies REGIONAL NETWORK OF MASU Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
There are 10 thousand groups, clusters and sections in different domains operating in the system of Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in which over 250 thousand secondary pupils are involved (where 33,1% are pupils from the schools in rural area) STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OF MASU Young scientists are assisted by more than 7 thousand pedagogues in their scientific research: Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
Three levels of functioning of MASU: National Regional District LEVELS OF ENGAGEMENT Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary
Center for Talent Development Talent Day. Budapest, Hungary On-line abilities identification Training for abilities needed Personality development Talent nurturing Project supervision for young scientists Consulting/Mentoring Training for trainers
Let’s help them to realize their choise !