2013 FALL CONFERENCE Jacquie Gudmundsen, Foundation Ambassador
The Zonta International Foundation supports the approved charitable and educational programs of Zonta International
The Foundation’s revenue comes from contributions 4,938,000
Zonta International membership dues support the operating expenses of the Zonta International and the Foundation
Contributions to the Zonta International F o undation go entirely to program support and development
DISTRIBUTION BY FUND International Service Fund $2,000,000 ZISVAW Fund $1,162,000 Amelia Earhart Fellowship Fund $700,000 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Fund $232,000 Young Women in Public Affairs Fund $144,000 Rose Fund, program support fund $700,000 US$4,938,000
DISTRICT 15 GOALS 100% of clubs contribute by April 30, % of our members make an individual contribution Greater number of clubs have 100% of members make an individual contribution (Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette and Metro Detroit have already done so)
WHERE ARE WE NOW? Internationally as of Sept we have raised $2,840, – 58% In District 15 as Sept. 30, 2013 Over 20% of individual members have made a donation 34 of 40 clubs have contributed- We have raised $70, total in District 15 through club and individual contributions
CURRENT BIENNIUM FUND DISTRIBUTION International Service Projects US$2,000,000
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Liberia Fistula Program As of 30 April 2013: 1,001 women and girls surgically managed ($675) 230 survivors rehabilitated and reintegrated into their mainstream communities ($1,300)
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Liberia Fistula Program Reduce infant mortality Prevent, Treat, Rehabilitate, Sustain
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Rwanda: Eliminate mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV by 2015
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS As of March 2013: 89 percent of antenatal care facilities are offering MTCT services 62 percent of HIV infected mothers are receiving antiretroviral therapy for MTCT
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Rwanda ISANGE One Stop Center Prevents and responds to domestic and gender-based violence
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Rwanda RUSIZI One Stop Center 636 survivors treated 2112 and 2013
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Bangladesh Pilot campaign on sexual harassment
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Nigeria Soul City adapted and Talk Show to start
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Honduras 1,000 families participate in Safe Cities
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Samoa 5,000 women combat family violence with livelihood training for economic self-sufficiency
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Amelia Earhart Fellowships Thirty-five, US$10,000 Fellowships are awarded each year
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Fund Twelve international scholarships of US$7,000 each up to 32 district/region scholarships of US$1,000 each
HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS Young Women in Public Affairs Award Up to 32 District awards of US$1, international awards of US$4,000
THE ROSE FUND General Support
HOW YOUR GIFT HAS HELPED In Partnership with UNICEF from : 40% reduction in FGM in Burkina Faso Nepal declared neo-natal tetanus free in million women in Afghanistan vaccinated In past years: Fresh water wells in Sri Lanka Mobil medical units in Ghana 10 medical clinics in Columbia Revolving loan fund for women in Egypt Health education for women in Afghanistan Training centers for women in Jordan
International Projects 1956 – 2012 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS
HOW YOUR GIFT HAS HELPED Zonta service projects have provided income-generating training, funding, and materials for thousands of women in Africa, Asia, Central and South America Truly, Zonta has helped women worldwide to “hold up half the sky”
HOW YOUR GIFT HAS HELPED Women must be free of the fear of gender- based to realize their potential Since 2006, you have supported programs to combat violence against women in 14 countries across the globe
Female circumcision Acid burning Obstetric fistula Gender-based violence Sexual abuse Human trafficking HIV/Aids Poverty Lack of education Limited opportunity for leadership YOUR GIFT HAS HELPED BY ADDRESSING ISSUES THAT AFFECT WOMEN, SUCH AS:
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Without your support, through club and individual donations, none of this would have been achieved. Be proud of how we have helped so many women worldwide. Be proud of making a difference. Share our success with others. Tell the Zonta Story! Encourage others to support ZIF.
REMEMBER—THE NEED IS STILL GREAT Violence against women is rampant Human trafficking is thriving Equal pay for equal work does not exist Equal governance by women and men isn’t happening (about 20%) Women do not have equal opportunity to education, health care, income generation, and basic security in many countries
WAYS TO GIVE Cash, check, credit card or wire transfer Recurring Gift Tribute Gift Employer Matching Gift Gift of Stock Planned Gift
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Zonta International Foundation