LFGNP Meeting 31/10/14 Analysis of the vacant and derelict land resource in the Lothians and Fife Mike Batley Central Scotland Green Network Trust Bringing change to life
Methodology Bringing change to life Analysing the dataset GIS-based tool that takes VDL remediation outcomes and describes these in terms of a range of social, economic and environmental variables An objective analysis informed by experience and ground-truthing candidate sites Three greening interventions are being considered within the work for LFGNP for site remediation: 1.Green infrastructure 2.Woodland creation 3.Temporary greening
Methodology Bringing change to life Greening interventions considered: Green Infrastructure VDL sites can deliver many GI benefits – aesthetic, climate adaptation/ mitigation, biodiversity, community use e.g. food growing Woodland Creation VDL can provide land for woodland planting without compromising other rural land uses and in locations where community’s can gain benefits Temporary Greening Potential for: advance landscaping, community growing, portable landscaping, public art, addressing stalled spaces
Methodology - datasets Bringing change to life ThemeDatasetVariable Social needDeprivation indicator of area Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) based on datazones Social needProximity to settlementsUrban / Rural classification Social needEase of public access Core paths, National Cycle Network, Topography Social needOpen Space (greenspace) deficitGreenspace provision EconomicDevelopment historyVDL site register entry EconomicSite Area VDL site register entry EconomicGround ConditionsAerial photography, Street View EnvironmentalWoodland Strategy Fife Forest and Woodland Strategy, Edinburgh and Lothians Forestry and Woodland Strategy EnvironmentalConnections to habitat networkCSGN Integrated Habitat Network EnvironmentalExistence of Open Mosaic HabitatAerial Photography Interpretation EnvironmentalSEPA flood riskSEPA Natural Flood Management
Context - VDL trends Bringing change to life VDL by Local Authority (ha)
Study analysis - trends within treatments Bringing change to life
Study analysis - trends by Local Authority Bringing change to life
Local Authority Reviews to date… Bringing change to life East Lothian Council -18 site reports ha -11 individual sites Midlothian Council -20 site reports ha -18 individual sites West Lothian Council -16 site reports ha -15 individual sites Fife Council -29 site reports ha -27 individual sites
Case Studies – ex-Mineral Sites Bringing change to life
Case Studies – OMH / Long-term VDL Bringing change to life
Case Studies – Potential for Intervention? Bringing change to life
Case Studies – Role for the community? Bringing change to life
Case Studies – Temporary ‘Greening’ Bringing change to life
Learning from the study to date Bringing change to life The VDL database itself does need to be checked to ensure the consistent application of definitions and that data is essentially correct The principle that remediation through hard development for those sites that have been on the register for the long-term needs to be challenged, as this suggests the market has little interest in them Natural forces can play a significant role in remediating sites when left undisturbed for long periods and emergent habitats have significant value The review suggests the opportunities for greening VDL are there, but to secure greening in due course may require the application of a range of mechanisms – being prepared to test innovative greening solutions, getting better value from working with communities, use of trainees, gaining maximum value from limited resources (and how is this defined…)