Balloting July 2011
A ballot is a type of vote, by which members of the Lodge express their approval or disapproval for a certain motion, a certain candidate, or a selection of candidates. The Masonic Lodge uses two types of ballots: Paper Ballots – Election of Officers and Penal Matters The Ballot Box – Symbolic degrees, Membership, and Reinstatement Balloting is a moral obligation. Balloting must be cast in secrecy. Ballots must be cast with fairness and impartiality. A Master Mason has the absolute right to vote as he pleases within the views of his own conscience. Balloting to reinstate member suspended for N.P.D. requires three-quarters majority. Introduction
Rules for Balloting Using Paper Ballots Slips of white paper are used for each elected position of the Lodge. Each member present writes his choice on a slip of paper. Members may vote for any Master Mason of the Lodge in good standing. Paper ballots are returned to the Secretary for tabulation. An individual with 50 percent or more of the ballots is elected. Balloting continues until a 50%-plus majority is attained. Election of Officers
Balloting Using Paper Ballots Penal Matters Vote will be by Secret Written Ballot. All members present must vote unless excused by vote of the Lodge. Majority controls. First Ballot – Guilty or Not Guilty Second Ballot (if needed) --Type of Penalty Reprimand Suspension (requires second vote - definite or indefinite) Expulsion
White balls are for approval; black cubes are for disapproval. Must be done at a Stated Communication in a Lodge of Master Masons or by special permission of the Grand Lodge. All members of the Lodge present at the time of voting must cast their ballot unless excused by a vote of the Lodge. A single collective ballot may be taken on petitions for the degrees, membership, and waiver of jurisdiction, but no more than for five of each. Collective ballots may not be mixed (e.g. degrees and dual membership). If a black cube appears during collective balloting, a separate ballot must be spread for each individual petition. Rules for Balloting on Petitions Using the Ballot Box
When voting on individual petitions, the ballot must be clear. If one or more black cubes appear, there must be a second ballot. A negative vote on the second ballot is final and the Petitioner must wait six months before he can resubmit. If second ballot is clear, it is as if the first ballot never took place. It is null and void. Under no other circumstances can a second ballot be taken. Once cast, a negative vote is final and cannot be recalled to provide a clear petition. When a Brother has been initiated or passed and has not stood proficient within 6 months, a new investigation and ballot is required but the Brother may continue his degree work pending reinvestigation and balloting. Prior to balloting on a membership petition, member must leave Lodge room. Worshipful Master should take steps to ensure a fair and full ballot. Balloting Using The Ballot Box
Senior Deacon presents the ballot box to the WM, SW, JW, Treasurer and Secretary in turn for balloting at their respective stations. After these ballots are cast, Senior Deacon places ballot box on the Altar. WM asks members to form lines North and South of the Altar for balloting. Senior Deacon controls balloting and is the last to cast his ballot. Members approach the ballot box, one at a time, salute, and cast their ballots. After casting his ballot, each member takes three small steps backward, turns and returns to his seat. After casting his ballot, Senior Deacon delivers ballot box to JW, SW, and WM for Inspection. Balloting Process
WM asks JW, and SW how they find the ballot (clear or dark). WM returns ballots back to their proper place in the ballot box and announces result of balloting. WM declares ballot closed and raps one time with his gavel. Rules for Balloting
Summary The balloting process within the Masonic Lodge is inviolably secret. Except for the Holy Bible, the ballot is considered the most sacred thing in the Lodge. Every Mason owes to every petitioner a fair ballot, free from prejudice and discrimination. As a Mason and upright man, be true to your obligations, and never allow personal spite or feelings to influence your behavior at the ballot box.