Type author names here © Oxford University Press, All rights reserved. Skills Development for Business and Management Students Chapter 9: Presentation Skills Kevin Gallagher
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Introduction: chapter objectives Chapter Objectives: Identify various presentation purposes Use various methods to capture your audience’s interest Devise effective presentational formats Use various presentation props Use various methods to improve your delivery Apply knowledge and skills to handle presentation nerves
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Fig 9.1 Presentation Design
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Fig 9.2 Typical purposes of presentations
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Fig 9.3 Typical audience interest during a presentation
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Fig 9.4 Presentation Delivery
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Fig 9.5 Overcoming Anxiety in Presentations – Unhelpful Scenario Giving a presentation How you think Your emotional mood How you feel physically How you behave (Based on Williams, C. (2003) Overcoming anxiety: a five areas approach. London: Hodder Arnold.) I’ll forget my words I’ll panic No-one will listen People will laugh if I make a mistake Butterflies in stomach Sweating Clammy I feel: despondent apathetic Overwhelmed worried Quiet voice Poor eye contact Rushing speech Excessive apologising
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Fig 9.6 Overcoming Anxiety in Presentations – Helpful Scenario Giving a presentation How you think Your emotional mood How you feel physically How you behave (Based on Williams, C. (2003) Overcoming anxiety: a five areas approach. London: Hodder Arnold.) I’ll help my mood by: Making sure I’m well rested Eating sensibly Taking regular exercise Taking time to talk to my friends Being cheerful to strangers Helping someone Giving myself a special treat Promising myself a treat I’ve got reminder cards if I forget my words I’ve rehearsed I’m interested and others will be too It doesn’t matter if people laugh – I’ll make a joke of it This is going to be a great presentation – I just know it! I’ll relax my body before the presentation by: Getting a good night’s sleep Eating sensibly Exercising regularly And, on the day, by: Chatting to friends about pleasant things Listening to calming/ inspirational music Yoga or other exercise such as going for a walk I’ll adopt the behaviours of good presenters by: Making eye contact Speaking in a clear voice Taking my time Exhibiting a degree of enthusiasm
Gallagher: Skills Development for Business and Management Students, 2 nd edition Summary In this chapter you have learned a range of tools and techniques to help you with your presentations. In particular you have considered:- Your audience – their knowledge and interests The purpose(s) of your presentation Various presentational techniques How to be more confident when giving your presentation