Future continuous Introduction Rachel: Would you like to come to our party tomorrow, Andrew? Andrew: Thanks for the invitation, but I’ve got lots of work at the moment. I’ll be working all day tomorrow. Rachel: You won’t be working on Saturday evening, surely. Come on, Andrew, take a break. We’ll be starting at about en o’clock.
will be doing for continuous actions For a future action over a period of time. At some time in the future we will be in the middle of an action. Andrew can’t go to the party. He’ll be working all day. I’ll be out at three o’clock. I’ll be playing golf. When the men leave the building the police will be waiting for them.
compare these three: Past: This time last week we were sitting on the beach. Present: At the moment we are sitting on the beach. Future: This time next week we’ll be sitting on the beach.
compare these two sentences: The band will play when the President enters the hall. The band will be playing when the President enters the hall.
will be doing for single actions The future continuous is also used for an action which will happen in the course of events because it is part of a plan or part of a schedule of future events. The party will be starting at ten o’clock. (part of the evening’s planned events) The ship will be sailing soon. (part of a journey’s schedule)
often more than one form is possible The visitors will be arriving / will arrive / are arriving later.
for something that will happen as part of a routine I’ll call in and see you tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be passing your house. It’s on my way home from work. Trevor and Laura will be working in the garden. They always do that on Saturdays.
to ask about someone’s plans Will you be going shopping tomorrow morning? – Yes, why? – Could you by me a loaf of bread? How long will you be using this computer? You can have it in a minute.
Ask a friend to do something for you or let you do something. Find out if it is convenient for your friend. You want to use your friend’s car tonight. Will you be using your car tonight? You want your friend to take your library book back today. (go) You want your friend to give a photo do Daniel tomorrow. (see) You want your friend to give you a lift to the festival this weekend. (drive) You want your friend to give a message to her sister soon. (phone)
future perfect will have done What time will you be home? I’ll have finished here at the office by half past nine, so I should be home by ten. Joan and Steve will have been married 10 years next month. Will you have read this book by the time it’s due back to the library? – Yes, I’ll have finished it by then.
The quiz marathon begin in five minutes. It be a big test for the World Quiz Champion, Claude Jennings, who answer questions from a group of quiz writers. Claude answer their questions for a very long time. In fact, he still give answers when the rest of use are in bed tonight. Claude hopes that after 24 hours he reply to about seventeen thousand questions. No meal breaks are planned, so he not eat anything. If all goes well, his name be in the next Guinnnes Book of Records, Claude has also got a number of sponsors, and by tomorrow he earn at least £10,000 for charity. Well, we return this afternoon for news of how Claude is getting on. We think that by then he get past the five thousandth question.
The quiz marathon will begin in five minutes. It will be a big test for the World Quiz Champion, Claude Jennings, who will be answering/will answer questions from a group of quiz writers. Claude will be answering their questions for a very long time. In fact, he will still be giving answers when the rest of use are in bed tonight. Claude hopes that after 24 hours he will have replied to about seventeen thousand questions. No meal breaks are planned, so he not will not be eating anything. If all goes well, his name will be in the next Guinnnes Book of Records. Claude has also got a number of sponsors, and by tomorrow he will have earned at least £10,000 for charity. Well, we will be returning this afternoon for news of how Claude is getting on. We think that by then he will have got past the five thousandth question.