Classroom Rules Same rules as Mr. Lopez, including: Do class work and participate No bathroom breaks No getting out of seats No cell phones No throwing objects Controlled talking only And other normal classroom rules (no cheating, etc)
What is controlled talking? Appropriate noise level TRY IT: Everyone start talking very quietly and grow gradually louder and I’ll raise my hand when the class is too loud If the class is loud, talkers will be punished
What is controlled talking? When I raise my hand, it is a call for quiet and complete attention. When you see my hand raised, you stop talking and also raise your hand TRY IT: Everyone start talking about their favorite video game. I’ll raise my hand after a while.
I’m like Teddy Roosevelt I never get mad, but I am ruthless in giving out punishments Consequences range from having to work standing up for 5 minutes in class (lowest level) to phone call home and even referral. TRY IT: I’ll punish one person in class today. We’ll see who it is.
Warm Up and Homework Check
TAKE NOTES Square root of an area of a square is the side length Example: Square root of 36 is 6 because for a square with area 36, the side length is always 6 √3̅6̅ = 6 √1̅6̅ = 4 √9̅ = __
Find the side length given area for squares 6 36 9 4 16 3 7 5
These lines are not equal in length
h. _________ i. _________ _________
h. √1̅3̅ 2√1̅3̅ or √5̅2̅ √2̅5̅ or 5 √2̅9̅ √3̅7̅