Eric Prebys, FNAL
I hope this course will provide you with… a rigorous foundation of the underlying physics of particle accelerators, Fairly sophisticated understanding of their operations. The background to pursue more advanced studies on your own (or in further classes). a quantitative overview of the state of the art, as well as current and future challenges. familiarity with enabling and related technologies: Magnets RF Instrumentation etc. USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 2
Instructor: Eric Prebys, FNAL TA,Computer labs: Timofey Zolkin, University of Chicago Grader: Patrick McChesney, Indiana University USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 3
USPAS “Accelerator Physics” is intended to cover in two very intense weeks the material that would be in a full semester graduate course at a top tier university That’s the mandate; there’s nothing I can do about it Students have a pretty broad range of backgrounds, so some will struggle more than others. If you get behind, you will never catch up! Ask questions Attend help sessions Work together This is my first time teaching this course, and if I go off track, we all will never catch up I appreciate feedback and constructive criticism USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 4
I’m going to spend today on the basics, as well as a fairly quantitive overview of everything we’re going to learn This will hopefully level the playing field in terms of previous experience and exposure to the concepts From tomorrow through about the middle of next week, we will cover the “classic” accelerator physics material. I’ll spend the last couple of days focusing in detail on topics of current interest Might have to sacrifice a little rigor to leave time for this. USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 5
I chose Edwards and Syphers “An Introduction to the Physics or High Energy Accelerators” as the primary course text because It’s the book I learned from The scope is appropriate to the course (we’ll pretty much cover the whole book). I find the mathematical level appropriate to a broad range of students. It was written by Fermilab people, so it uses conventions that I’m familiar with. Like most people who use it, I’ll switch the order of Chapter 2 (longitudinal motion) and 3 (transverse motion) USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 6
Welmut Wiedemann, “Particle Accelerator Physics” Probably the most complete and thorough book around (originally two volumes) Well written Scope and mathematical level perhaps a bit much for this class Edmund Wilson, “Particle Accelerators” Concise reference on a number of major topics Available in paperback (important if you are paying) A bit light for this course Klaus Wille “The Physics of Particle Accelerators” Same comments S.Y. Lee, “Accelerator Physics” More or less equivalent to Edwards and Syphers I prefer the organization of E&S Fermilab “Accelerator Concepts” (“Rookie Book”) Particularly chapters II-IV USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 7
Most days, we’ll lecture until 4-5. We will have computer labs (at least) This week: Wednesday and Friday mornings 9-12 Next week: Monday through Wednesday, 1-2PM Perhaps some small assignments in addition Homework every day except Friday and next Thursday, to be turned in the next day. Students are encouraged to work together on homework Take home exam next Thursday Students are to work alone on exam. As lectures, homework, and other material are ready, they will be put at: USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 8
USPAS, Knoxville, TN, Jan , 2014 Lecture 0 - Formalities 9 Time Day Mon. (1/20)Tues. (1/21)Wed. (1/22)Thu. (1/23)Fri. (1/24) 9:00 AM Formalities, Introduction and Overview, Basic E&M and Relativity Imperfections, Off- momentum Particles, Matching and Insertions Floquet Transformations, Coupled Oscillations Synchrotron Radiation, Beam Loss Guest lecture: “Non-linear dynamics, Analytical Methods”,T. Zolkin. 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 AM lunch 1:00 PM Transverse MotionLongitudinal Motion.Hamiltonian Formalism Special topic: Light sources Special topics: Tricks of the Trade 2:00 PM Example Problems 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Computer Lab Time Day Mon. (1/27)Tues. (1/28)Wed. (1/29)Thu. (1/30)Fri. (1/31) 9:00 AM Guest lecture: “Non- linear dynamics, Numerical Methods”, T. Zolkin Collective Effects: Space Charge, Negative Mass Instability. Landau Damping, cooling. Overview: state of the art, frontier topics. Collect Exams. “Beam instabilities and feedback systems”, Guest lecture by T. Zolkin. 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 AM lunch End 1:00 PM Special topic: Increasing the luminosity of the LHC Special topic: Solenoids. Special topic: Simulation techniques. Discussion, Q&A, 2:00 PM Example problems. Example Problems 3:00 PM Pass out take home exam. 4:00 PM Computer Lab