Phrased and fluent Reading With Fairy Tales Reading Phrases from Fairy Tales
Something to Think About… How does this sound when read? Each little pig wanted to build a house. How does this sound when read? Read the first “Each little pig” line with longer pauses in between so it sounds word by word. Read the second “Each little pig” line in the phrases as it appears, so that it is read in phrases. Ask the students which one sounds more interesting? Than talk about how it is being read by putting words together, in phrases. Explain you are going to practice grouping words together in phrases, so that they will do that when they read as well. Each little pig wanted to build a house.
Once upon a time Long long ago Happily ever after Read each phrase Once upon a time Long long ago Happily ever after Teacher may need to model each phrase and then have the class repeat the individual phrase next.
Let me in said the big bad wolf so he huffed Read each phrase Let me in said the big bad wolf so he huffed Discuss how much better it sounds when you ‘group words together’ with your eyes and voice.
and he puffed and he blew the house down Read each phrase and he puffed and he blew the house down
What does bold print mean in a book? Say it in a strong voice
No I won’t let you in Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff Yum Yum Read this phrase No I won’t let you in Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff Yum Yum
Read this phrase Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin Please sir
What should you do at an exclamation mark (!) Make your voice go up or sound excited or scared.
Not by the skin of my finny Read this phrase We fish stick together! Not by the skin of my finny fin fin!
Read this phrase Then I’ll munch and I’ll crunch! And all his teeth fell out!
What should you do at a period (.) or comma (,)? Take a breath or pause
Don’t worry, you can live with me, said Kim. Read this phrase Don’t worry, you can live with me, said Kim.
Little fish, little fish, let me come in. Read this phrase Little fish, little fish, let me come in.
Read this phrase No, no, I won’t let you in.
Read this phrase Well then, I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
Once upon a time Long, long ago And they lived happily ever after. Read each phrase Once upon a time Long, long ago And they lived happily ever after. Teacher may need to model each phrase and then have the class repeat the individual phrase next.
Remember…. When you read a book it should ‘sound like you are talking’ Read in phrases Read bold print in a strong voice Take a breath at a period (.) or comma (,) Sound excited or scared when you see an exclamation mark (!)
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