How to Pay for a Conference Workshop Created & Presented by: Alexcia Mazahreh, Chief Financial Officer of Student Government Association
Paying Out-of-Pocket vs. using SGA: Pay for everything on my card and/or students’ cards be reimbursed with one form after. Pay for everything using the SGA club account fill out a few more forms in advance.
Why fill out the forms, I can be reimbursed? Example: Trip to Chicago Out-of-Pocket Out-of-Account Registration $150x8 = $1,200 Flight: $300x8 = $2,400 Hotel: $250x3x2 = $1,500 Food (for meals not provided by conference): $50x8= $400 Train: $2x8x2 = $32 TOTAL: $ 5,532.00 Food: $50x8= $400 Train: $2x8x2= $32 TOTAL: $ 432.00
Overview: What you will need to know: Who is going? (Conference attendees) Where are you going? (City, State, Hotel) How do you want to get there? (Air, train, car) When are you going? (Conference dates) Conference Itinerary (aka, when are they feeding you?)
Minimum Required Relevant Forms/Documentation FROM SGA: Travel Request Form (before). Miscellaneous Disbursement Vouchers (before & after). FROM YOU: Conference information and itinerary. Price quotes (flight, hotel, registration). List of student names and banner IDs attending.
FORMS: An “md...” What?
Forms Miscellaneous Disbursement Voucher (MDV) * What you use to “cut” the check to an individual or vendor. Travel Request* What you use to “encumber” the funds for your conference to ensure sufficient funds are in your account. Departmental Charge Authorization (DCA) What you use to transfer funds from your account to another on-campus department or club account. Bus/Van Authorization Form Book a bus/van.
Tips on Forms: REMEMBER: All SGA forms require the signature of club treasurer and club advisor before it can come to my desk. Be sure to get started on the forms with enough time to hunt these people down for a signature! The more the descriptions and information, the better! Please do not highlight words/numbers, highlight underneath. Legible hand-writing goes a long way. If you can’t make it work: most of our forms are up on the SGA website under clubs, forms, financial forms: http://www.rowan.edu/clubs/sga/forms.php Don’t forget to check base with Terri or I after submission!
Paperwork-flow Estimate total cost of your trip. Fill out Travel Request Form Receive “E-Number” via email within 1-2 weeks of submitting Travel Request Form. Fill out Miscellaneous Disbursement Voucher (MDV) to pay for registration. Contact Travel Agency with “E-number” to book flights/hotel bookings are placed on their credit card and will happen very quickly! Enjoy trip with minimal to no expenses out of pocket! Fill out MDV to reimburse any relevant on-site conference expenditures.
When to begin? Yesterday… But seriously, no less than 30 days in advance, ideally 60 days in advance.
Travel Request Helps you estimate the cost of your trip and set funds aside in your account. Attach all relevant information: i.e. MapQuest of mileage if driving, flight quote if flying. Always attach: Names, banner ID’s, and emails of students attending. Conference information
Travel Request Ct’d You now how funds set aside in your account. These funds will be used to cover every expense of your trip: Reimburse the travel agency (they pay on credit card… I recommend the larger expenses be noted on the form). reimburse attendees (smaller expenses.. Food and gas where applicable).
Travel Request, TIPS Make sure the person whose name is on the Travel Request is reliable (if you only use one form). This will be the person contacting the travel agent and booking everything on behalf of all attendees. Watch out for the E-number, this should be emailed to you within 1-2 weeks this is your ticket to speak with the travel agent (currently using Sunward Adventures) Don’t really need this form for conferences within driving distances.
Alternatives: tapping your resources GETTING CREATIVE
Department/College Most have their own credit card! They can be reimbursed using a simple DCA! CLUB ACCOUNT DPT./COLLEGE ACCOUNT. (No cash burden on an individual)
No dice there? Roll again.
Purchasing The purchasing department processes large purchases on behalf of the University (and some clubs)! Have your signed DCA ready when you ask to use their credit card. CLUB ACCOUNT PURCHASING ACCOUNT
Can’t get either of these credit cards? Back to the mdv
Pay for the hotel using an MDV- Give your hotel a credit card to HOLD not charge while the MDV does its thing. Request a W-9 Tax ID form from the hotel. Fill out the MDV with the check made payable to the hotel, with attached W-9, room confirmation, and list of students and banner ID’s. Check will be mailed within 2-3 weeks.
TIP! Make sure you keep contact with the hotel all through out to expect the check and remove the held credit card. Try to allow 1-2 weeks for the check to arrive prior to your arrival to ensure easy check-in. (Most hotels need to have the cash prior to check-in I’m always ready to step in)!
One of the few out-of-pocket expenses Food Expenses One of the few out-of-pocket expenses
SGA Shoprite Credit Card For food not provided by the conference, get creative! My recommendations: Granola Bars, Nescafé, Pizza rolls, bottled water.. Etc. (every hotel has a mini-fridge/freezer).
Per-Diem Breakfast: $8 Lunch: $8 Dinner: $20
CFO TIP Not in writing…… ;)
Gas Reimbursements $0.45 $0.56 per mile reimbursement. Show map-quest mileage. MDV after your travel to reimburse driver.
QUESTIONS. sgacfo@rowan QUESTIONS? sgacfo@rowan.edu Office Hours Monday 2:00 – 5:00 Tuesday/Thursday 12:30 -1:30 Wednesday 2:00-4:30 Friday 10:00 -12:30