Thinking Together: tutoring for Lifelong Learning Strategic Tutoring Training For Tutors Thinking Together: tutoring for Lifelong Learning “Give me a fish and I’ll eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I’ll eat for a lifetime.” Chinese Proverb Trains tutors/teachers how to: guide students through four instructional phases. teach students strategies for learning. help students complete assignments. help students become independent learners provide support even after tutoring has been discontinued.
Constructing Weaving Building
Critical Features Should be directly related to a current assignment. Should relate to a key academic task that is frequently encountered. Should be practical and easy to use. Should have a logical sequence of steps with clear learner behaviors. Should begin with a verb. Should be easy to remember in student friendly language. Should produce a positive outcome.
Secondary Students Attended sessions two to three times a week
Strategic Tutoring Results: Student Performance
University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning
I Want it Now
May 8 and 16, 2012 ESC 13 Workshop ID: SP Contact : Becky Barrett