OSHA Training Institute Education Centers
OSHA Training Institute Course Offerings Introductory Courses Fundamental OSHA Courses Trainer-Level Courses
Goals and Objectives Why is Safety Important to You? Traditional Methods of Safety? Is there a better way?
How does this affect me? Competitive Advantages/Disadvantages –Experience Modification Impacts to Profit Margins Bidding Qualifications Insurance Premium Employee Turnover Rates
“When I get caught, I’ll worry about it.” “I’ll fix it next time.” “Accident Reports aren’t important… They just like paperwork.” “I’ll just be a minute, I don’t need the harness.” “I’ll comply until they stop watching me.” “I’ve been doing it this way for 30 years.” “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t need that respirator, it isn’t going to hurt me.” Sound Familiar?
Why is Safety Important to You? Occupational injuries and illnesses
Fatal Work-Related Injuries Why is Safety Important to You?
Can we go Overboard?
Best Practices Safety as an Inherent Core Value –Senior Management Buy-in –Safety Perception Surveys –Set Clear Expectations Well-Developed Safety Program –IIPP and a Safety Program –Near Misses & Accident Investigation –Manage Workers’ Compensation Claims Aggressive Return to Work Program
Best Practices Training –Foreman Toolboxes Consistent Message Communication Methods –Monthly Safety Newsletter Monthly Training Schedule Jobsite Audit Schedule with Foreman Weekly Tailgate Meetings Safety Metrics –Performed at ALL Levels of Company
Why Lagging Indicators Don’t Work Historical: Can only React to Them Doesn’t provide Context of Why it Occurred Laceration Counts the Same as a Fatality Serious Near Misses Don’t Count at All Wait until end of year to see how many Employees got Injured An Annual Target to Reduce Incident Rates Provides Little Guidance Other than Fear
Advantages of Leading Indicators Proactive System Identifies Specific Areas for Improvement Raises the Bar Systematically: Focused Approach Can Quantitatively Track Areas of Achievement and Subjective Areas
Measurement If you are not measuring it, it is probably not getting done. If you are not measuring it, you can’t control it What management measures and rewards usually gets done effectively Performance Reviews, Promotions, Bonuses Safety Incentive Programs Discipline Policies –Don’t blame the injured worker for a faulty Safety Program: 99 Times
“When I get caught, I’ll worry about it.” “I’ll fix it next time.” “Accident Reports aren’t important… They just like paperwork.” “I’ll just be a minute, I don’t need the harness.” “I’ll comply until they stop watching me.” “I’ve been doing it this way for 30 years.” “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t need that respirator, it isn’t going to hurt me.” Sound Familiar?
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