Peter Cancellier’s Ultrasonic Study Purpose To compare efficiency and appropriate uses of Sybron MiniEndo, Satelec P5, and Spartan MTS-1 ultrasonic units with a variety of currently available ultrasonic tips used in endodontics.
Purpose: Minimize the Grief of Tip Loss
Why do my fine tips always break? Why don’t I make a finer prep when troughing around a separated instrument?
Purpose: Prevent Unnecessary Loss of Tooth Structure
Products Ultrasonics Sybron MiniEndo Satelec P5 Spartan MTS-1 Ultrasonic Tips SybronEndo 5 tips Tulsa Dental 3 tips Spartan 3 CPR 4 BUC tips 5 tips
Ultrasonic Study One operator used a new tip of the same model in each unit at increasing power levels. The same extracted tooth’s root was used for each similar tip. No water was used to cool the tip so that the activity of the tip would be observed with a Sony MiniDV DCR-TRV9.
Ultrasonic Study The result of ten approximately one second passes at each power level were documented: Nikon Coolpix 950 attached via a Carr 2 adaptor Nikon Coolpix 950 attached via a Carr 2 adaptor One chip lipstick camera attached via a dual cine mount to an aus Jena microscope using an aus Jena ring light and SuperLux 40 metal halide light source. One chip lipstick camera attached via a dual cine mount to an aus Jena microscope using an aus Jena ring light and SuperLux 40 metal halide light source. 1,5,9,11,13 P5
Tip Categories Troughing and Post Removal Locating Calcified/Hidden Canals, Troughing Fins and Isthmuses for Orifices Deeper Troughing and Obstruction Removal
Findings/Generalizations You’ll have to come to Roots Summit IV This course will save you thousands of dollars in broken tips This course will save the patient mass quantities of unnecessarily removed dentin.
Come to the Summit Kendo is freakin’. He wants us all there. On Wednesday at the hands-on and Thursday during the lecture, I’ll share which tips work best with which unit, the indications for the various tips, help you stop breaking tips, and get you to use ultrasonics with most every case.