Heedlessness 1
Dengue Fever 2
Symptoms Headaches High fever Vomiting Tiredness Red spots on the skin 3
Treatment Paracetamol (avoid brufen and aspirin) Treat the symptoms 4
Thoughtlessness Lack of attentiveness The trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities 6
We become heedless of the purpose of our lives 10
We believe only what we see 11
Quran ahadith Quran ahadith Quran 12
Heedless people don’t see things the way they truly are 13
“They know what is apparent of the worldly life, and of the Hereafter they are Ghafilun (heedless).” [Surah Ar-Rum, Verse 7] 14
Most dangerous heedlessness Being heedless of Allah (swt)’s commandments and prohibitions…. 15
…or considering them as irrelevant 16
Allah (swt) describes them as… 17
“And surely, We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. 18
They have hearts with which they do not understand 19
, they have eyes with which they do not see 20
and they have ears with which they do not hear. 21
They are like cattle,. 22
rather they are more astray, It is they who are the Ghafilun (the heedless ones).” [Surah Al-A’raf, Verse 179] 23
“I know, I know…” 24
“Just keep praying for me!” 25
“It isn’t easy u know!” 26
“I’ll do it soon!” 27
“But no one else is doing it!” 28
“I am too weak!” 29
“I wish I was like you!” 30
And some simply go into denial! 31
“Allah doesn’t need us to worship Him!” 32
“Just being a good person is enough!” 33
“Allah is not cruel to throw us in Hell because of this!” 34
He is Most Forgiving! 35
“After all, we are Muslims!” 36
“I’ll start doing it, once my exams are over!” 37
Oh! I just keep forgetting it! 38
“Good for you, if you do it.” 39
“The five pillars of Islam are the main things” 40
“Well,it is Fardh, but not at this age !” 42
If yes, that’s you …. 43
…then you need first aid for damage control 44
45 Treatment for Heedlessness
1.You seriously need to spend time in good company. 46
They help you in your deen 47
They remind you of doing good & point out when you slip 48
2.Seek forgiveness from Allah (swt) 49
Act like a merchant ! 50
Each one of us is a merchant too! 51
Seeking Allah (swt)’s forgiveness balances things out Please forgive me, Allah! 52
According to the Prophet’s (saw) teachings, one should ask for Allah’s forgiveness at least 70 to 100 times daily 53
3.Visiting righteous people 54
We must seek knowledge and du’a from them 55
Also ask them to remember us in their prayers 56
This person can be: Our teacher OR Our elder (if they are righteous and God fearing) 57
What if you don’t have one in your life ? 58
4.Send blessings on the Prophet (pbuh) 59
“O you who believe,invoke blessings upon (the prophet, SAW) and salutation of peace”. (Surah Al Ahzab 33:Verse 56) 60
Many scholars have attested to this This immensely purifies the soul 61
5.Recitation of the Qur’an 62
But plain recitation is beneficial as well 64
The actual sounds of the language of the Qur’an… 65
…And the breathtaking rhythms and words are like medicine. 66
"O Mankind: There has come to you a good advice from your Lord and a healing for the (disease) in your hearts - and for those who believe a guidance and mercy!" (Surah Yunus 10: Verse 57) 67
“And We sent down in the Qur’an that which is healing and a mercy to those who believe ” (Surah Al Isra 17:Verse 82). 68
Recitation of Qur’an has a healing effect on the body, mind and heart. 69
Watch Out !! People who turn away from the truth, Allah (swt) increases their heedlessness 70
Beware! we keep falling in and out of this state….. 71
…. So keep your batteries charged 72
An interesting Fact! Everyone will eventually be cured of heedlessness. 73
The moment one dies, the veils are let down! 74
Heedlessness will vanish The Unseen 75
“You were heedless of this. Now We have removed your veil from you, so your sight this day is sharp “ (Surah Qaaf 50: Verse 22) 76
But it will be too late then ! 77
So the challenge is to be cured in this life, 78
But why didn’t Allah (swt) make things clear for us ? 79
He wants to test us! 80
The purpose of our lives…. And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (alone ) (Surah Ad Dhariat 51: Verse 56) 81
It will take the heat of Hell to remind some of us! 82
May all of us remember Him in this life and be saved in the Hereafter Ameen 84