The hare & the tortoise The Aesop’s fable - retold by Kindergarten, 2009
Once upon a time there was a hare and a tortoise..
A hare looks like a rabbit with long ears. He can run fast.
The tortoise likes wearing earphones to listen to music.
“I’ll bet I can race you to the castle,” said the tortoise to the hare. “Let’s do it!” said the hare.
The tortoise’s running song: The more you run, under the sun, The faster you get, to win the bet, I’m hot to trot! To the big stair - to beat the hare, Climb on up to win the cup!
The animals hung the starting banner on a pole.. “Ready, Set, Go!”
“This will be easy,” said the hare..
And they’re off!.
“Slow and steady, slow and steady…”.
“I have plenty of time to rest,” thought the hare..
“A nice shady spot…”.
.. Yawn…
.. Z z z z z…
Hare’s sleep was getting deeper and deeper..
The tortoise was still going slow and steady.
“Up ahead,” he said, “What do I see?”.
The finish line!. Yay! Go Tortoise! Yay!
“And the winner is… the tortoise!”.
“Puff, puff, puff…!”.
“Three cheers for the tortoise!”.
Slow and steady wins the race!.
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