The British International Section
English examination offered a general French curriculum & a British language, literature, history and geography curriculum English examination offered Cambridge IGCSE exams in English and Literature, CAE (Cambrige Advanced English), CPE (Cambridge Proficiency English)
Team Spirit One for all, all for one
Hard work, dedicated pupils
A special room at the library to go wild about English The Wilde room to go wild about English
English Clubs for the whole school The drama club
The book club
A visit of the ‘Villa Méditerranée’ Cultural opening. A visit of the ‘Villa Méditerranée’
A trip to the Rencontres Internationales d'Arles (2013)
The class The British section is part of the 2nde 11 form, here in front of MUCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean cultures).
Macleans College, Auckland, St Mark’s School, New Delhi Our partners In New Zealand In India Macleans College, Auckland, St Mark’s School, New Delhi In the U.S.A. Vintage High, Napa, CA
Belfast, Northern Ireland Hazelwood College
This is the end, beautiful friend... But for our pupils, this is only a beginning…
Contacts Mrs. Laura Choffrut-Marin, Head of the British International Section OIBstcharles@gmail Links:
Our local partners Le Rectorat de l’Académie d’Aix Marseille (Regional Education Authorities in the Aix-Marseille Academy) L’association des parents d’élèves de la Section Internationale Britannique du lycée Saint Charles (the parent association of the British International Section) L’association ASIBA (the ASIBA network) Mediterranean Anglo-American Business Network sponsored by the United Kingdom and United States Consulates Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille Provence The British Council in Marseille Lycée International Georges DUBY in Luynes