AusGOAL Creative Commons Add-in for Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 Supporting Creative Commons 4.0 Licence's and Public Domain Tools (Public Domain Mark and CC0)
Features of the Add-in Custom Ribbon Bar New CC licence logo’s designed specifically for this Add-in by Creative Commons. Pre-configure numerous settings, including your attribution and the method of insertion to save time, but flexible enough to allow you to select a different insertion every time. Writes custom document properties to the file, using Dublin Core metadata element names including attribution, year and licence. Simple one click operation. Network installable.
Excel Insert the licence either above the data, on a new “licence” worksheet Two methods are provided in case the file format ultimately published does not support multiple worksheets.
Settings Comprehensive settings include name of individual / organisation or government Language (including license / licence distinction in English) Euro or Dollar Non-Commercial Creative Commons Logo’s Preconfigure text and logo insertion, or set to “I’ll decide” In Excel, insert to a new worksheet or in top rows of the focal worksheet.
PowerPoint Insert the licence and other particulars in a new “credits” slide at the end of your presentation, or insert it in the last slide
Thank you We anticipate release of the Add-in in the first quarter of If you have any further questions, please contact Baden License URL: Please give attribution to: © AusGOAL 2015AusGOAL