What Telecare is…….and isn’t
Definition Use of assistive technology Monitors needs of individuals from a distance Real time emergencies within the home Tool to manage risk Unobtrusive Sound evidence base
However……… Balanced perspective. May not be able to stop inevitable deterioration but can hopefully facilitate maximum safety and independence until alternative provision required. Earlier the intervention more likely the longer term benefit. Proactive rather than reactive. Links in with government thinking…..local services and preferred place of care etc
History of Lincolnshire service Allocated just under 1.1m from preventative technology grant in 2006/7 Over 3,000 people referred to service to date. On average 140 referral per month. Achieved through ongoing relationships with 4 established providers of monitoring services Take up in some areas “patchy” although feedback from audit commission review in 2008 reports very positive comments on service and way being developed. Runner up in national awards presentation on multi agency working. County wide winner of preventative services award from fire service.
Referral route Referral preferably ed accepted by colleagues in:- Health Adult social care Carers team Individuals completing self assessment on LCC website. In near future hopefully direct from customer services centre.
Criteria 18+ Live within boundaries of county. Meets fair access to care criteria Have a disability or illness associated with ageing. Meet fair access to care criteria Benefit identified by the referrer
How can Telecare help? Carer support Risk of injury Social exclusion choice and dignity Manage risks with regard to falls Assess capacity to complete personal and domestic tasks within the home Proactive falls monitoring Manage risk of fire, gas or carbon monoxide. Medication prompts Lifeline system Falls detector Bed / chair occupancy sensors Bogus call alarm system Epilepsy monitor Enuresis monitor Gas shut off valves Property exit sensors Just checking assessment tool Sazo system Smoke alarms Carbon monoxide detectors
Good practice In AT provision Escalation procedures training Hub of expertise Thinking creatively Ethical use explored assessmentreview Integration and partnership Monitoring Skilled response
Debunking a few myths about referral process….. Telecare provide a specialist service regarding product knowledge,local policies and implementing of referral. Co-ordinator will visit in complex cases. Once in receipt of referral will be processed asap. Standard in place that from receipt to installation will not be longer than 7 working days. The team are not the assessors..YOU are. Therefore it is up to you to find first contacts and ask question over funding. You know that individual better than the team. If these are omitted they only delay the process. Emergency services cannot be listed as first point of contact.
Installation delegated to one of 4 control centres. They then take on the monitoring of case. Each centre has slightly differing criteria. The cost is for the monitoring. The equipment is loaned free of charge from LCC. £1.50 maximum. Telecare pay monitoring centre flat fee for installation.
The bit that’s behind the scenes Feedback and evaluation Developing new product awareness Planning for future developments Advocacy Complaints and compliments Value for money
Further developments Identify blocks at user, provider and service level Push the prevention agenda Explore new ways of working. This is where we need your help. Plans in primary care, police/trading standards, supported living.
Discussion points? Thanks for listening.
Time for a coffee…….
Case study
Case study(1) Alice,77, widowed Lived in same property for over 50 years. History of dementia, poor vision, osteoarthritis Recent fall during night. Daughter concerned at reports from neighbour that leaving property at night. No direct evidence Daughter reported that on recent visit noticed smell of gas
Case study (2) Mrs A has a history of diabetes, osteoarthritis and recent falls resulting in emergency hip replacement. Primary carer for husband Mr A had a stroke resulting in some speech difficulties, weakness of left side. Advised that whist in hospital he went into intermediate care Wife then went into further intermediate care. Not on same site Provision made for residential care for both but in differing units. Not preferred choice after being together for over 45years
Response (1) Graded Pendant, Lifeline connect, bed sensor with virtual light set up. Property exit sensor Gas detector and shut off valve.
Response 2 Graded Base unit, pendant and falls detector Smoke alarms