Sentence Patterns Written by James R. Pusey and Anne Wang Pusey


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Presentation transcript:

Sentence Patterns Written by James R. Pusey and Anne Wang Pusey CHINESE PRIMER Sentence Patterns Written by James R. Pusey and Anne Wang Pusey

UNIT I, Lesson 1 一. Choice Questions A. Verb or verbal adjective alone (Subject and object, if there is one, understood) 1. 是不是﹖ Is it? Right? Sh 2. 要不要﹖ Do you want some (any, it, them)? Yaw .bu.yaw?

UNIT I, Lesson 1 一. Choice Questions B. With subject (optional) and predicate--Closed form: 1. 你是不是狗﹖ Are you a dog? Nii goou? 2. a. 他喜不喜歡狗﹖ Does he like dogs? Ta shii.bu shii.huan goou? b. 他喜歡不喜歡你的朋友﹖ Does he like your friend? Ta shii.huan.bu shii.huan nii de perng.yeou?

UNIT I, Lesson 1 一. Choice Questions C. With subject (optional) and predicate--open form: 1.你是人不是﹖ Are you a human being? Nii sh ren 2. 丁老師喜歡狗不喜歡﹖ Ding Laoshy shii.huan goou .bu shii.huan? Does Professor Ding like dogs?

UNIT I, Lesson 1 二. Statement Questions A. positive questions with .ma: 1. 是狗嗎﹖ Is it a dog? Sh goou .ma? 2. 他的女朋友是美國人嗎﹖ neuperng.yeou sh Meei.gworen .ma? Is his girl friend an American?

UNIT I, Lesson 1 二. Statement Questions B. negative questions with .ma: 1. 他不姓丁嗎﹖ Isn’t his (last) name Ding? Ta bu shinq Ding .ma? 2. 不對嗎﹖ Isn’t that right? Bu duey .ma?

UNIT I, Lesson 1 三. Yee 也 and Yee bu 也不: Also, too, and Also- not, or Not-either 1. 他也姓丁。 His last name is Ding too. Ta yee shinq Ding. 2. 張老師也喜歡龍。 Jang Laoshy yee shii.huan long. a) Professor Jang likes dragons too. b) Professor Jang likes dragons too. 3. 我們也不喜歡他。 yee bu shii.huan ta. a) We dont like him either. We too dislike him. b) We dont like him either.

UNIT I, Lesson 1 四. Dou 都 : Both, All, Every; Neither, None, None of N.B. An adverb (uniformly”); cannot precede noun. Must precede verb or adjectival verb. A. Summing up subject 1. 我們都是。 We both are. We all are. dou sh. 2. 他們都不要。 dou buyaw. Neither of them wants any (it, him, her, them). None of them want(s) any (it, him, her, them).

UNIT I, Lesson 1 五. 還是 : ...or…? None, None of 1. 你是人還是老鼠﹖ Are you a man or a mouse? Nii sh ren lao.shuu? 2. 你們要茶還是 咖啡﹖ Do you want tea or coffee? yaw char kafei?

UNIT I, Lesson 1 六. Suoo.yii 所以 : Therefore, So that’s why 1. 他不喜歡馬﹐所以我不喜歡他。 Ta bu shii.huan maa, suoo.yii woo bu shii.huan ta. He doesn’t like horses, so I don’t like him. 2. 你是人﹐丁一也是人﹐所以你是丁一。 Nii sh ren. Ding I ren. Suoo.yii nii sh Ding I. You are a person. Ding I is also a person. Therefore you are Ding I.

UNIT I, Lesson 1 七. De 的 Particle Used to Create Possessives, as modifiers 1. 我的狗不是。 My dog is not. goou bush. 2. 你的學生是不是中國人﹖Is your student a Chinese? shyue.sheng Jonggworen? 3. 他喜歡我的酒。He likes my wine. Ta shii.huan jeou.

三. Yee 也 and Yee bu 也不: Also, too, and Also- not, or Not-either 一. Choice Questions A. Verb or verbal adjective alone Sh Yaw .bu.yaw? B. With subject (optional) and predicate--Closed form: Ta shii.bu shii.huan goou? 二. Statement Questions A. positive questions with .ma: B. negative questions with .ma: 三. Yee 也 and Yee bu 也不: Also, too, and Also- not, or Not-either 四. 還是 : ...or…? None, None of 五 Dou 都 : Both, All, Every; Neither, None, None of 六. Suoo.yii 所以 : Therefore, So that’s why 七. De 的 Particle Used to Create Possessives, as modifiers