The aim: to help the prince rescue the princess by answering correct answers. 1.Divide the class into two groups. 2.Assign a group member to write the points. 3.Click on ‘Play’ 4.Each group chooses any letter in its turn. Z must be last!!! 5.The teacher clicks on the letter that was chosen. 6.The group has to choose the correct opposite. They get 10 points for each correct answer. 7.Click on “back” 8.If the letter leads to a ‘witch’ – the group can take 10 points from the other group. 9.If the letter leads to a ‘fairy’ – the group gets another turn. 10.If the letter leads to a ‘frog’ – the group switches points with the other group. There is only one frog. 11.The teacher can repeat the sentences that show up in each slide. 12.The teacher can ask the pupils to guess the sentence that will show up once she clicks on the correct answer for extra 5 points.