Topic Introduction & Samples What’s new in Siena Beta 3 Q & A
What Siena is… A new technology that empowers business analysts and business experts to build powerful custom apps
What Siena is… A new technology that empowers business analysts and business experts to build powerful custom apps builds apps rich in visuals, custom intelligence, data consumption, signal capture and on the spot decision making
What Siena is… A new technology that empowers business analysts and business experts to build powerful custom apps builds apps rich in visuals, custom intelligence, data consumption, signal capture and on the spot decision making dramatically changes how apps can be conceived, validated and built
What Siena isn’t… a replacement for developer tools like Visual Studio
What Siena isn’t… a replacement for developer tools like Visual Studio a way to create high volume data entry and transaction systems
What Siena isn’t… a replacement for developer tools like Visual Studio a way to create high volume data entry and transaction systems a way to build primary systems of record (ERP, CRM, etc.)